3rd Stage of Decay


There are moments when anyone must have a change in the idea about a specific […]
July 7, 2022
Viogression - 3rd Stage of Decay album cover

There are moments when anyone must have a change in the idea about a specific Metal genre, because as things evolve and some people refuse to keep remaking what was already done, the rules are blasted away (the right thing to do with them when dealing with musical ideas). Even for the Old School Metal models things can be done in different ways, as the Milwaukee legend VIOGRESSION is here to state "3rd Stage of Decay", their third release.

This album has one hiatus of 30 years between its predecessor, "Passage" (released on 1992). One can think that the quartet is an Old School Death Metal act, and it's not far from the truth, because that bitter and nasty aggressiveness of the genre is presented on their music (even with the guttural singing in a 'schuldinerian' way), but one must pay attention to some technical parts inherited from Jazz/Prog Death Metal, along with some subjective melodies (hear the guitar solos and themes of "Under the Riverbed" to have a deeper understanding of what these words mean). Yes, it sounds like a link between 90's Death Metal and some modern elements, but the older fans will have no reason for complain. It's brutal, aggressive and rough, so be prepared. Chris Djuricic is the sound engineer and the one who did the mix, leaving the mastering for the hands of Dave Otero. The sonority of the album is something unexpected for Old School fans, because it's defined and nasty as usual today (and not in the past). The Old School feeling comes from the songs and the instrumental tunes used. And Jim Potter on the guitars and Jason Gobel (former CYNIC guitarist who plays a solo on "Cipher") are the guests on the album.

The band shows its Old School Death Metal tendency during all the tracks, but there are many moments when the quartet shows that is far from living off its past. And this unconformity can be heard clearly on the brutal "Nectar of Veins" (even bearing an Old School outfit, some Jazz-influenced parts can be heard on the technical bass playing, along with some Grindcore blast beats on the drums), the massive aggressive approach of "Under the Riverbed" (some subjective melodies appears on some guitars parts) and on "Death Dive" (this one is focused on an Old School Death Metal/Grindcore, and another very good and solid parts of bass guitar and drums can be heard), the slower instrumental parts of "From Dust" (and what great grunts), "Murder" (the technical care is excellent here, and some arrangements on the guitars are unusual for the genre) and "Sisters of Iris/Taurion", and the oppressive melancholic feeling that fills "Cipher" (even with some cleaner parts with grunts filling the spaces). Yes, they're really here to show that they deserve a space in the hearts and collections of the fans.

In this new coming, VIOGRESSION shows that they didn't come from the dead to be one more playing the same thing, but to dispute their space in the scene. And they deserve it, and any doubt about this affirmation will be accepted only after a full sequence of 10 hearings on "3rd Stage of Decay".

10 / 10









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"3rd Stage of Decay" Track-listing:

1. Nectar of Veins
2. Under the Riverbed
3. Death Dive
4. 3 Skulls
5. From Dust
6. Caliginous Conflagration
7. Murder
8. Sisters of Iris/Taurion
9. Blood Stained Path
10. Cipher
11. Memory Ever After

Viogression Lineup:

Brian DeNeffe - Vocals
Matt Holtz - Guitars
Jason Hellman - Bass
Duane Timlin - Drums

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