Animal Anger


Do you guys and gals remember the German metal band Vanize? Well if you do, […]
By Makis Kirkos
April 5, 2004
Razorback - Animal Anger album cover

Do you guys and gals remember the German metal band Vanize? Well if you do, you'll find the sound of Razorback quite familiar.
In late 2002 when Vanize split up, Rolf Munkes, Marcus Bielenberg and Pierre Fienhold decided to start a new band with a new singer. After several auditions, Stefan Berggren (ex- Company of Snakes) was hired and together with Chris Heun, Razorback was born.
Animal Anger is the debut album of the band and the opening act for their career. What we've got here is typical melodic, grooving metal of five high skilled musicians. Really, there is nothing new or fresh in their music that we haven't heard the last years. There is no doubt these guys know how to play their instruments, but other than that and I mean when it comes to the composition character, they really lack of original ideas.
The whole album moves into a mid tempo beat with narrow riff changes and orchestrations. Of course there are some nameable and worthy tracks such as The Hymn, Kiss Of Death and the Eye of the Storm but truly other than that I found Animal Anger a bit boring. Stefan's voice is very good but it hasn't got that something special, which will impress you and make you remember it five days later. Same goes to the other guys too, they play good but they fail to tie you down and make you anticipate for the next song. As a matter of fact, I detect myself wondering when the song I'm hearing will finish.
Production is made by Rolf Munkes and I have to say it's quite good. Thanks to Andy Horn (Majesty, Cage, Hellion), the guy who mastered the album, this release has a different approach comparing to all the other melodic heavy metal acts. We have to make a stand to the cover too. It's kind of strange, but it looks like an angry wild boar. Come on guys... please.
Overall, Razorback's upcoming debut album is just another melodic metal newcomer that has nothing different, new or fresh to present to us. If these guys wish to make a stand in the European Metal scene, then they really have to work out their composing methods more. Sorry boys but you didn't impress me much.

6 / 10

Had Potential

"Animal Anger" Track-listing:

The Hymn
One by One
A New King in Town
Kiss of Death
Fire and Rain
Release Me
Lone Wolf
Eye of the Storm
Dead Man's Song

Razorback Lineup:

Stefan Berggren - Vocals
Rolf Munkes - Guitars
Markus Bielenberg - Bass
Chris Heun - Guitars
Pierre Fienhold - Drums

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