FIRE SHADOW: listen the new song "Inner Battle"

Formed in 2003 in Brazil, the band already shared the stage with Iced Earth, Grave […]
May 27, 2014

Formed in 2003 in Brazil, the band already shared the stage with Iced Earth, Grave Digger and was the winner of the state stage of Wacken Metal Battle 2011

For nearly a decade on the road, the heavy metal band Fire Shadow is certainly one of the most prominent names in Brazil nowadays.
So far, the band already released a demo, two singles and the self-titled debut album from 2007. Nevertheless, they played shows alongside world-renowned bands like Iced Earth, Grave Digger, Blaze Bayley, Paul Dianno and were the winners of Parana stage of Wacken Metal Battle 2011, which has accredited them to play at Roca 'N' Roll, one of the most important rock/metal festivals from Brazil.

Currently formed by Marco Lacerda (vocal), Bruno Quimelli (guitar), Francisco Kozel (guitar), Gustavo Adaeots (bass) and Leandro Zonato (drums), Fire Shadow now prepares for the release of the band's new effort, the EP "Phoenix".
Expected to reach the stores in July, "Phoenix" was recorded in Curitiba/Brazil at the Bunker Studio and will bring the tracks "Scars", "Inner Battle", "Phoenix", "From Darkness" and "Unbreakable". The production is signed by the band and Alexandre Cegalla.

The band launched on its official Soundcloud channel the song "Inner Battle".

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