For the sake, and in the honors, of those who passed away to the other side revamping an old flame. It is never easy to lose a friend, a mentor, a brother from another mother, however, remembering them is the key, along with all the special moments shared. Byfist, the US Heavy / Power Metal act, has been there since the 80s, yet due to bad luck, things didn't work out as they potentially should. Nonetheless, it was never forsaken, and in light of occurrences, it came back to haunt a Metal scene that isn't what it used to be. Guitarist Nacho Vara, who also played with the legendary David Wayne (R.I.P.) in Reverend, unchained the binds from Byfirst and returned with it to a new era. Signing with Pure Steel Records, and releasing their debut, "In The End", with a strong lineup, it is only the beginning. Steinmetal had a talk with Vara regarding the early end, new beginning, the lineup, lyricism and musical content.