Advorsus & Stryzga
Cultus Profano
October 2, 2020

Advorsus: Hails. Thanks for having us. We have been busy writing new music and adapting to this crazy year.
Strzyga: At this time, concerts are still not an option. It looks like in 2021 things may reopen again, but everything is uncertain. We will see what happens…
A: For us, geography has no influence on our music. That is not what black metal is about. It is about creating a dark energy. The dark music that we write comes from within our minds. There is an unnecessary obsession and focus on geography. Dark music can me conjured from any part of the world. Whether we live in a burning bleak dessert or in a cold forest full of life and trees is irrelevant.
S: We formed in 2016. At that first rehearsal we composed two songs. Since we both had the same mindset and goals, we decided to move forward and form the band.
Cultus Profano have just released a new album album "Accursed Possesion" throughout Debemur Morti Productions, and I must say that I truly enjoyed the record, even if I am not the kind of guy that usually listen to Black Metal. With that being said, I would like to know how the writing and recording process worked on that album, especially with the pandemic going on.
A: We began to work on Accursed Possession back in 2017 and entered the studio in 2019 which was before the pandemic. All our writing is a complete collaboration between the two of us. Since we both play guitar and drums it really allows us to combine our ideas and enhance the writing process. The recording process was fast and efficient. Everything was tracked in two days then sent to be mixed.
S: Khaos Diktator Design painted the masterful piece of dark art. Our concept can be interpreted as the corruption of innocence and the impending possession of evil. We do not like to give any more details since art is subjective. Everyone will have their own interpretation.
A: Black metal is a dark and evil energy conveyed through sound, but it is also an expression of anger, hatred, and blasphemy.
S: At this time, things are still very uncertain, so it is hard to say. However, we will see how the following year progresses and decide then. A visual representation of "Devoted to the Black Horns, Op. 16" would be a very dark and blasphemic offering.
A: The streaming platforms have really changed the entire music industry. Purchasing the actual physical art has unfortunately become somewhat obsolete. Like anything in life, there are pros and cons. We understand that times are continuing to venture into a digital age, but we will always stay true to the original physical formats.
S: Thanks for having us. Currently, we are planning tours throughout the world so that we can spread our blasphemy! The black flame will continue to burn…
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