The Thrash Metal scene left a huge legacy. Modern extreme metal bands still pay homage with their music to the pioneers who cleared new paths in music in the early 80s. It was not an easy thing to do in the US. Glam/Hair metal ruled the airwaves and not even the popular european heavy metal bands couldn't easily survive, especially in LA. But the early thrash bands had the nerve, the balls (huge balls the size of a mountain) and the passion to stand their ground and deliver the most extreme, angry, dark music the world had ever seen. DETENTE was one of those bands. Even if they managed to release only one album, they were one of the very few that sponsored a female vocalist. With lyrics drawn from politics and aggression against the status quo, much like punk did in the UK, DETENTE set some standards that are still being followed after more than two decades. Recently they came back together and re-released their debut Recognize No Authority and a compilation of their old demos titled History 1. We contacted their bassist, compose and founding member, Steve Hochheiser to have a talk about their past, their present and their future.