Charming, yet brutal, classic but sounding ugly and ultra-raw in nature. This image that one can imagine in his / her mind, may as well serve the old prowess, the feverish fiends of the past. But it has already been proven that the past is alive, it returned to haunt and became part of the present's legacy. There is no escape only embrace. Certainly maintaining the past in their minds, souls and talents, stand Craven Idol from the UK. Their doctrine of extreme Metal, the blending of the almighty powers that started an unwavering wave that has been swarming within Metal music ever since the late 80s, comes live and in one's face in their new album, "Forked Tongues". Steinmetal talked with the band's leader, Sadistik Wrath, or the Immolator of Sadistik Wrath, about the new record, the undying motivation to create it brutal and more…