October 18, 2021

Metal maniacs, rejoice! I am proud to present to you: CRIMINAL; signed via Metal Blade Records, hailing from Chile grounds - performing Death/Thrash Metal, on their 9th Full-length album entitled: "Sacrificio" (released September 17th, 2021). Since formation in 1991; the quartet in question have 2 Demos, an EP; a Live album, a Single and 9 Full-length albums in their discography so far. I'm introduced to their 9th record entitled: "Sacrificio". 13 tracks ranging at around 42:04; CRIMINAL arranges an intricately designed formula on some heavy-hitting Death/Thrash Metal amalgamations.
Opening up with a blistering barrage frenzy on rampantly rompy bulldozing "Live On Your Knees" clobbers eardrums intensely into a groove-bomb meltdown, trailblazing with rip-roaring savagery which piledrives you with ruthless pandemonium & punchy tightness. Fierce firepower expertise belts a crunchy calamity on wildly rushing potency, where shredding malice pummels you with monstrously meaty tempos & jumpy adrenaline as boisterously bouncy hooks grip a frenetic fretwork distinction in amplified distortion which lacerates with killer trembles while rumbling reverberation rattles speakers with full force impact. "Caged" chops with more viciously stampeding snarls that scour with malicious vehemence, as consisting of front man Anton Reisenegger on vocals/rhythm guitar surges with throaty raspiness & shouty yells that manifest with extreme aggression. His guitarwork crafts a dexterously rapid slab of nimble substance, organic speed and a menacing thud of sturdy stridency.
"The Whale" slays with grinding furocity, frantically chiseling with rambunctiously slamming perseverance from hammering drummer Danilo Estrella. Like a battering ram, the stomper rampages the set with steely & smacking precision while monolithic tempos soar with persistent mayhem, chaotically chugging and galloping with volatile yet sulfurous havoc. "Zona de Sacrificio" ramifies with thunderous rollicks as catchy bombast berserks your soul to break chairs over other chairs, audible bassist Dan Biggin injects an infectiously thumpy technique on flickering flamboyance that showcases rawly rough systematics on relentless vehemence, utilising versatile maelstrom remedies that quake with concretely gritty hostility.
"After me, the Flood" exhilarates with more snappy songwriting memorability, as chunky viscerality outbursts with riveting leads from Sergio Klein who pierces speakers with combustible heft. These merged sub-genres give off this justifiable dynamic in heat furnacing blasphemy, as this unique sound juxtaposes the two with ponderous weight where the thrash mechanics transforms the malformation with sinister metal and death gnarly contrast. "Dark Horse" conjures another melodious verse which pursues with striking profanity, we are all dark horses in metal - no? This will resonate with you belligerently as the steamrolling triggers obliviate you with a groveling element in empowering gutturals, grunty rage & resilient blitzkrieg.
"Theocrazy" is another slab of solid smouldering which smothers you with noisy terror, salubriously towering with profusely robust synergy and insane experimentation - channeling a hybrid aesthetic in a bleeding implementation in bludgeoning brutality. As if going crazy on theorising life itself is a maddening representative on malevolent oppression mightily. While "Sistema Criminal" bolt throws you with rampageous snares, scouring tonality & pugnacious bruisers in which pulverises you with sonically seamless strife. Overdosing you with sweltering meltdowns that tramples you vigorously until your bones crush bombastically with neck-breaking grandeur.
"Zealots" phrases zealous retribution & utmost rebellion on no remorse of flexibly fundamental deadliness that trembles with impulsive, groundbreaking wickedness where radical sharpness razor's speakers with sadistic but bestial devastation as maximum onslaught bruises heads with this sludgy spectrum on seething tyranny. "Age Of Distrust" clamours a smudgy symbiosis of lofty severity with yet a full frontal assault on blast beating bangs that unleashes vitriol thickness, where louder than hell fury enforces a dominating impulse of blinding desecration. The penultimate track "The Hunter And The Pray" surges with more mean tempos while beefy bashfulness swirls with brawny division in blood-pumping penetration that pulsates with threads that will resoundingly dig into you mightily.
Overall concluding "Sacrificio" with the finale epic "Ego Killer" with its catchy yet still beating bolts of smudgy speed-driven drills in which throttles into a slaughterhouse maelstrom of gravitational domination, CRIMINAL break all the rules with this total wreckage of abominable hatred & rebellion – an enjoyably entertaining discovery full of pounding & pummelling, motoring mettle. Worthy of spinning and replaying a good handful of times for a fix of ultimate, neck and bone crushing chaos. Check it out!
8 / 10

"Sacrificio" Track-listing:
1. Live on your Knees
2. Caged
3. The Whale
4. Zona de Sacrificio
5. After me, the Flood
6. Dark Horse
7. Theocrazy
9. Sistema Criminal
10. Zealots
11. Age of Distrust
12. Hunter and the Prey
13. Ego Killer
Criminal Lineup:
Anton Reisenegger - Vocals/Guitars (Rhythm)
Dan Biggin - Bass
Sergio Klein - Guitars (Lead)
Danilo Estrella - Drums
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