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for: chris
Jan-Chris De Koeijer - (Gorefest)
December 1, 2005
To say that Gorefest's reunion album review.asp?id=1228 ended up as a rather pleasant surprise would be an understatement. Sure. Of course it was the same band that already released killers like False (1992) and Erase (1995) in their career, but on the other hand, it was also a band that had not been an active part of the Metal scene for almost seven years now. Luckily, La Muerte immediately erased any doubts I might have had about the album or the future of the band. Gorefest are definitely back and set to take no prisoners this time around! Of course this was more than enough for a reason for us to have vocalist / bassist Jan-Chris answer a couple of questions regarding the reunion, the past and the future of the band.

Chris Caffery - (Chris Caffery)
August 7, 2005
It's been a year since our first interview with guitarist/singer Chris Caffery (Savatage, Trans-Siberian Orchestra and solo) and I felt the time was right for a sequel since there were more than just a few things I wanted to ask Chris. Things that had happened during this one year, things that mainly had to do with his solo career but also a few undying questions (concerning TSO and Savatage) which I simply had to ask. Chris is - apart from an excellent musician - one of the friendliest persons I've known from the world of Rock/Metal and was more than happy to set this interview up. I guess this probably means Chris and I will be doing an interview every August, so until August 2006, here's what Mr. Caffery had to tell me...

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