

Long time, no see. When was it the last time I had news from the […]
By Yiannis Dafopoulos
March 20, 2008
Nefarium - Haeretichristus album cover

Long time, no see. When was it the last time I had news from the blackest of the black labels? I can't recall right now. Anyway, that's not what matters. Agonia Records just sent one more Black Metal release and you know that I am always glad to review sick and twisted albums! Especially when the albums features guest appearances from great musicians such as Chaq Mol and Infaustus!

Recorded at Omega-Gates Studio during Spring 2007 and mixed at Sweden's Hitfire Studios by Erik Lidbom, Haeretichristus is NEFARIUM's brand new full-length work, a great sample of brutal Black Metal. The band has managed to have two great musicians make guest appearances in the album, making the whole combo even more interesting for all the black metallers out there.

NEFARIUM's brutal Black Metal has been enriched with some DARK FUNERAL influenced melodies and some really good guitar leads that reveal the band's love towards the Swedish scene. The band has totally devoted itself to the Swedish standards (something that is not at all bad), creating a sound that combines MARDUK's brutality with DARK FUNERAL's melodic approach. All of the above are being strengthened by the presence of DARK FUNERAL's guitarist Chaq Mol, who plays guitar in the songs Merchants Of Hope and An Old Black Cage, and the guest vocals by SETHERIAL's Infaustus in the song Sin Of An Apostle.

Add the pretty good production and you can get an image of how Haeretichristus sounds like. It is definitely not the album that will change many things in the Black Metal scene, but it is a really good choice for all Black Metal lovers out there. I think it will spend some more time in my CD player, so I suggest it spends some time in yours, too.

7 / 10


"Haeretichristus" Track-listing:

Lucifer's Betrayal
The Damned Descent
136 Bastard Priests Murdered
Merchants Of Hope
Doctrina Haereticorum
Thirty Coins Of Judas
An Old Black Cage
Sin Of An Apostle
Episcopal Whip

Nefarium Lineup:

Carnifex - Vocals, Guitar
Adventor - Guitar
Negatium Corporis - Bass
Summum Algor - Drums
Chaq Mol - Guitar (guest)
Infaustus - Vocals (guest)

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