Lou Koller is tired. 30 years fronting Hardcore legends SICK OF IT ALL will do that to you, but it's not that that is making him tired. "I was looking forward to the tour so I could sleep til soundcheck!". It's easy to forget that, while devoting yourself to a band might be all-encompassing when on tour, it can also mean that life outside the band including spending time with family, doing the school run and fixing up the house has to be fitted around the traditional touring cycle. That is why Lou is tired. Tired he may be, but the sacrifices he has made has seen him lead the band to a highly significant milestone. A milestone few bands get to reach. 30 years since their formation the band have hit the road to celebrate. Vocalist Lou Koller allows himself the time to reflect on what keeps the band going, which albums they can't stand and discuss their fantastic new EP, "When The Smoke Clears".