Mysteries The Night Hides

Fabiano Negri

Atravel between the past and the present into Horror Rock/Metal is what this album is offering to you.
January 3, 2024

The association between Heavy Metal and terror films isn’t new. Since the days that EARTH changed its name to BLACK SABBATH due a film the four guys of the band went to watch (an Italian film called “I Tre Volti Della Paura”, translated as “The Three Faces of Fear”, of the cinema Italian icon Mario Bava, and that had the presence of the iconic actor Boris Karloff, and that is called “Black Sabbath” on English), passing by Metal musicians on terror films (as Ozzy Osbourne, Gene Simmons and Alice Cooper), the link between these two forms of arts is very strong. And such link is clear on the new solo album of the Brazilian musician Fabiano Negri, “Mysteries the Night Hides”.

Fabiano is famous for his works with REI LAGARTO and DUSTY OLD FINGERS, but on his solo career, he shows a form of Heavy Metal filled with Hard Rock and Psychedelic Rock elements, rich on hooking melodies and a tasteful flavor of inspiration. Unlike thousands of works on the genre that are heard every day, this album sounds fully inspired and free of compromise, with charming melodic lines and choruses that hooks on the hearers’ ears at the first experience on its songs. Let’s try to short things: it’s an excellent experience to hear to “Mysteries the Night Ride”! Using his long experience, Fabiano produced, recorded and mixed the album, delivering the mastering to the hands of Ric Parma. And the final result is a lovely and organic sonority that has deep roots on the past, but with a modern definition. The better way to explain is: try to think how albums as “Billion Dollar Babies”, “School’s Out” or “Destroyer” would sound with the modern recording devices, but bearing the same songs as played on their time of release. And what good taste can be saw on the album’s cover!

The album has some complexity on its melodic lines, but at the same time, explores perfectly the use of keyboards, enriching what is show by vocals, guitars, bass guitar and drums. So be prepared for a very good experience, even to those that aren’t used to long songs (all of them lasts more than 8 minutes, except for “The Raven’s Feast”).

The album opens with “Mysteris the Night Rides”, a long song that mixes elements of 70s Heavy Metal and Hard Rock (remembering BLACK SABBATH on its melodic vein on the album “Sabbath Bloody Sabbath”), with rich melodies and a clear accessible set of elements, with a great singing (full of emotions and rich in tunes) and a solid and heavy rhythmic work on bass guitar and drums. And it’s followed by “A Necessary Evil”, another song rich on apotheotic inherited from Progressive Rock of the 70s, guided by a heavy and oppressive feeling given by keyboards parts (but with a chorus filled with a melodic appeal and that’s hard to resist).

“Vampires” follows the melodic 70s Hard Rock tendency, with powerful guitars entangling with fine keyboards parts, again with some elements inherited from Progressive Rock. And “Terrifying Lullabay” brings things to a heavier side of Fabiano’s music, but with excellent arrangements and rich in eerie keyboards parts and fine vocals once more. Closing the album, “The Raven’s Feast” is deep and melancholic, showing a different set of tunes on the vocals under the instrumental basis created by pianos.

“Mysteries the Night Hides” is based on terror themes inherited from books, comics and TV series, and the experience given by Fabiano Negri is really amazing. Travel on it NOW!

Hear it here:

9 / 10

Almost Perfect








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"Mysteries The Night Hides" Track-listing:
  1. Mysteris the Night Rides
  2. A Necessary Evil
  3. Vampires
  4. Terrifying Lullabay
  5. The Raven’s Feast
Fabiano Negri Lineup:

Fabiano Negri - All Instruments, Vocals

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