Genre-nerds rejoice! A new sub-sub-genre is born. The founders of Deathgaze, US-based KARDASHEV, released their "The Baring Of Shadows" EP last year to great acclaim, including a subsequent signing to Metal Blade Records. The range of emotions is intense, with everything from outright grief to deep contemplation and regret. Given the time it was released there's certainly much most of us can relate to! Given the unique opportunity to talk to these guys, Metal Temple writer Andrew Graham wanted to gain insight into their creative process and what has influenced their sound and style. Over the course of or conversation they talked lockdown boredom, the value of grief and sadness, and lofty artistic influences. All this gives the impression of a unique group of musicians with a distinct vision and sound all their own, working to remind us all that there is value and wisdom in sadness, and that we have common ground in our suffering and collective hardships."