Sometimes it is putting the truth right between the eyes, it is never easy when the other side knows that shit hit the fan, and it was about time to pay the price. So where is that decency among people? It is there for certain, yet at times it dodges so may bullets that is prefers hiding its shiny head. So what can really put things into order? People understanding the rules perhaps? Act kindly to one another maybe? Only the future has the answers, and yes it is vague. Letting a little bit of humor into the dark equation, Phallax returned after a hiatus, landing "Lex Concordia", and it appears that there is harmony and strong tight Heavy Metal. Steinmetal had a fine chat with Johannes Schurr, the ex-mayor, also known as Jogi, about stuff of socials, the new album, and more stuff, which some of it is rather hilarious