
We Are The Catalyst

The Swedish band WE ARE THE CATALYST was formed in 2012 and on 29 November 2024 they presented us with their fifth studio album to date. And it shows that they have been together for so many years, as the cohesion between the musicians as well as the songs is quite clear.
February 11, 2025

I got the WE ARE THE CATALYST album “Friction” sent to me for review, with no additional information except for the cover. So, online I went. And what I saw written by others to describe the band was weird, I have never seen so many superlatives in one single day. I do know that they present themselves as Alternative Metal. If by that they mean WITHIN TEMPTATION and EVANESCENCE with Modern Metal and Metalcore parts, then yes, that is accurate, because that is exactly what my ears are picking up when listening to “Friction”. And is that a hindrance when it comes to my writing this review? On the contrary, I am looking forward to trying to make sense of what I am hearing right now.

The Swedish band WE ARE THE CATALYST was formed in 2012 and on 29 November 2024 they presented us with their fifth studio album to date. And it shows that they have been together for so many years, as the cohesion between the musicians as well as the songs is quite clear. The same can be said for the sound, which is very crisp and transparent. It all adds to a very pleasant listening experience. The fact that Cat Fey sounds like a mix between Amy Lee and Sharon Den Adel doesn’t hurt, and definitely adds to the comparison I made earlier. But also, the music will do that, as you will hear influences from both the bands mentioned, but often larded with modern touches, mostly from the more emotional; side of Metalcore and Modern Metal.

I can only say that I have to admit that I like “Friction” a lot better than I initially thought I would. This is a refreshing look at this particular music genre. And I have to mention that for me that is purely down to the excellent songs that the band have written, plus the fact that WE ARE THE CATALYST know exactly when to toughen up, get softer and/or add Modern influences. You could say they have that science in the bag and deserve an A+ for their efforts. I will go as far as to say that if you like your female fronted Gothic Rock/Metal with bits of Metalcore and Modern Metal you would be a fool not to try out WE ARE THE CATALYST on this “Friction” album. I bet that will have you looking into their history in no time at all.

8 / 10









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"Friction" Track-listing:


1 Intro/Tension

2 Antihero

3 Demons

4 Hollow

5 My Dreams Are Killing Me

6 Roots

7 Into Darkness

8 The Awakening

9 Interlude/Dark Times

10 Parasite

11 Ashes

12 Northern Lights

13 Neon Shadow

14 In a Vacuum


We Are The Catalyst Lineup:


Catrin Feymark (Cat Fey) Vocals
Kenny Boufadene
– Vocals, Guitar, Bass, Drums
Håkan Strind
– Drums


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