Louder Harder Faster


For those that don't know, the Glam Metal/Hard Rock trend that dominated USA in the […]
June 17, 2017
Warrant - Louder Harder Faster album cover

For those that don't know, the Glam Metal/Hard Rock trend that dominated USA in the 80's ended in the beginning of the 90's due a new trend called Grunge Rock that took its place. It was a hard blow, because many excellent bands had to stop their activities. But as all kind of fashions, Grunge now is gone, and Glam Metal is back to stay, and great bands of those days are back, provig that they still have a lot to show. One of the great successes in the 80's was the North American quintet WARRANT, from Los Angeles, that the greater art of the readers know for the video for "Cherry Pie". But don't waste your time, because this song is not the best they can offer, and take a listening on their latest album, called "Louder Harder Faster".

The core of the band is formed by four of the members of the band's classical line up (Joey, Erik, Jerry and Steven) with a new singer (Robert, who replaced Jani). The band's musical style is the same: a very good and heavy Glam Metal/Hard Rock, done with accessible melodies and hooking chorus, but with fine work on both guitars, and a solid and thunderous work from bass guitar and drums. But don't get the wrong idea, because the band is still wild and savage as they were in the 80s! "Louder Harder Faster" was produced by Jeff Pilson (bassist of FOREIGNER and former member of DOKKEN), a guy that has guts and know clearly what he is doing in terms of the musical style of the band. The mix was done by Pat Regan (except for the song "I Think I'll Just Stay Here and Drink", mixed by Chris "The Wizard" Collier). The sound quality is perfect, tight and heavy, but clean and allowing their catchy melodies to be heard. Every little detail of their songs can be fully understood.

They are kicking ass on this album, with a savage energy flux and very good songs, and it's truly hard to find one or another to point as their finest moments. There aren't best moments on "Louder Harder Faster"! As a reference for the readers (and to keep my Editors-in-chief always from me with their knifes and axes), I truly recommend you to pay attention the catchy energy of the melodic lines of "Louder Harder Faster" (very good vocals can be heard, along with a nasty and hooking chorus), the abrasive weight and fine work from bass guitar and drums heard on "Devil Dancer", the fine accessible melodies of "Perfect", the fury of the guitars that are shedding excellent riffs, solos and duets on "Only Broken Heart" (these guitars are a trademark of WARRANT's music, you know), the modern weight shown on the Southern/Blues influence of "Music Man", the beautiful power ballad called "Faded" and its lovely vocals and backing vocals (and great harmonies), the pure energy that flows from the musical arrangements of "Big Sandy" and on "Choose Your Fate", and the amazing bass guitar and drums once more on "Let It Go". And as a bonus for CD version, we have the bluesy influenced song "I Think I'll Just Stay Here and Drink", with nasty and great melodies.

After six years, they came back with a great album, indeed. And sorry, but who was born to be NIRVANA never will be a WARRANT.

10 / 10









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"Louder Harder Faster" Track-listing:

1. Louder Harder Faster
2. Devil Dancer
3. Perfect
4. Only Broken Heart
5. U in My Life
6. Music Man
7. Faded
8. New Rebellion
9. Big Sandy
10. Choose Your Fate
11. Let It Go
12. I Think I'll Just Stay Here and Drink (bonus track CD edition)

Warrant Lineup:

Robert Mason - Vocals
Joey Allen - Guitars
Erik Turner - Guitars
Jerry Dixon - Bass
Steven Sweet - Drums

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