Still (Reissue)

Vision of Disorder

Some people ask why USA has a great number of Hardcore bands. Of course, Big […]
January 29, 2015
Vision of Disorder - Still (Reissue) album cover

Some people ask why USA has a great number of Hardcore bands. Of course, Big Daddy here will not explain all (there are many online encyclopedias and books to do so), but it's a matter of fact that on Uncle Sam lands, the style grew a lot since the end of the 70's, and in both coasts. Names as DEAD KENNEDYS, AGNOSTIC FRONT, BLACK FLAG, BAD BRAINS, MISFITS and many others are forefathers of nowadays bands. Even with different insights arising (the melodic Hardcore in California, what some call Beatdown Hardcore and the mix with Rap/Hip Hop influences), many still sustain the earlier soul of the style. And why we're speaking about this?

Simple: without North American Hardcore, Thrash Metal and Death Metal wouldn't exist!

So when you're hearing bands as VISION OF DISORDER, pay them some respect. And this insane NYHC (it's the abbreviation of New York Hardcore, used since the 80's) band reissued their first EP, "Still".

Here you can feel a Old School HC influence in their music, especially from DEAD KENNEDYS in many moments (hear the way Tim sings, and have your own conclusions), but some modern influences (some Crossover touches here and there) are heard as well. But these seven songs really are nasty, having the stench of NY slums, and the same feeling you got when entering CBGB. Very good riffs, a powerful rhythmic basis, and an insane vocalist are what a HC band needs. And here you have these elements!

The sound quality is a bit raw sometimes and got some oscillations, but the result as a whole is pretty good: all instruments are clear, the musical arrangements too, and their nasty aggressiveness is abusive.

Here, we have the five songs from USA version, plus two more songs, that existed on the 1997's Spanish version. But to hear songs as "Through My Eyes" (intense and smoky, where the CBGB feeling is too clear, and has very good vocals), the strong "Choke" (a mid tempo song, with tons of good riffs), "D.T.O" (the sound quality is raw, but it comes from their Demo Tape from 1995), and the two bonus songs on "No Regret" (here you can fell the modern HC influence arising) and the live shot "Formula For Failure" (they never lose their energy, even on a live show) nowadays is a pretty good thing!

Veterans who came to this world on 1992, that reunited on 2008, we must respect these guys a lot. So get your copy of "Still", and have a good pogo dance!

8 / 10


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"Still (Reissue)" Track-listing:

1. Through My Eyes
2. Choke
3. Beneath the Green
4. Watch Out
5. D.T.O
6. No Regret
7. Formula For Failure

Vision of Disorder Lineup:

Tim Williams - Vocals
Matt Baumbach - Guitars
Mike Kennedy - Guitars
Mike Fleischmann - Bass
Brendon Cohen - Drums

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