The Night, The Loneliness


Before going into this review we need to ask ourselves, what is the Extreme Metal […]
February 25, 2015
Vardan - The Night

Before going into this review we need to ask ourselves, what is the Extreme Metal subgenre that is known by the fan as Depressive Suicidal Black Metal, or DSBM for short?

The answer is not as simple as it might seem, but your Ol' Big Daddy here will try to explain the whole thing in a few words: DSBM is essentially the good old Black Metal that we all are used to hear and like, except with slower paced tempos and the musical arrangements are relatively pretty simple, with more focus being given to creating a dense and morbid atmosphere - even the use of clean arrangements are accepted in DSBM.

To some people it's a darkened experience, while to others it's a rather boring waste of time. And even if you're a fan of the style or not you can feel both ways on a case-by-case basis. But for a BSDM act the Italian one man band VARDAN is really strange, for their music is really charming, as we can hear on "The Night, The Loneliness", the band's new album: The band's music has the same darkened feeling as earlier SWOBM, but with a distinctly slower pace that may or may not become a nuisance to some. But the music itself has a particular and deep charm, with its screamed harsh vocals, very good guitar arrangements, and a simple - but heavy - strong rhythmic work is presented in a sinister and introspective way of creating music. And it's sounds good on this album.

The sound quality is poor and harsh, but if you were previously introduced to DSBM, you'll understand that it's a common feature for the style. Well, if you could hear these songs in a clean quality, maybe the result would really be better than here, but Big Daddy here has the conviction that the sound quality and the music you're planning to create must have a strong link. And in the case of this album, the link is too strong. The album's five songs are named as parts of something that Big Daddy couldn't find out what is. And all of them are very tasteful dishes for the fans of the DSBM. Maybe "Pt. 2", "Pt. 3" and "Pt. 5" could fit in the place of "best songs", but the entire album is good.

Of course, if you have problems with suicidal thoughts and something in this way, I should tell you to keep away. But if not, go ahead and delight yourself.

8 / 10


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"The Night, The Loneliness" Track-listing:

1. Pt. 2
2. Pt. 3
3. Pt. 4
4. Pt. 5
5. Pt. 6

Vardan Lineup:

Vardan - Vocals & All Instruments

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