This Present Darkness


A Deathcore release against depression!
September 19, 2024

Due the ample use of albums dealing with closed concepts in the lyrics, such a form of musical expression became so ample that sometimes we deal with releases that seems to be driven by an internal concept on the lyrics (even when the band itself isn’t trying to do things in such way). But some concepts are worthy of being studied in a deep way, because it can help the fans. Here on “This Present Darkness”, the latest release of the Californian duet (UN)WORTHY, one can find some help. At first, the sonority that is shown on the album is astonishing: aggressive and brutal-driven, but defined in a way that allows the fans to understand what the band’s music stands for and what they’re playing. And some guests are here to give a special shine: on “Forsaken by God” is Conner Luttig (of VOLUNTARY MORTIFICATION), and on “This Too Shall Pass” is Joe Holt.

The band plays an intense and bone-crushing form of Deathcore, greasy, aggressive and full of a brutal impact. Besides the technical level is good, presenting good rhythmic shifts (hear such aspect clearly on “Forsaken by God”), the hypnotic grove on some moments is hard to resist to, turning the experience of dealing with the band’s second full-length a very good time. And the concept dealt on the lyrics seems to be the storm of emotions and ideas of someone dealing with depression, and one solution is given. Ok, one can agree or not about it, but we must talk about such thing, because lives are being destroyed and tears shed due depression.

There are seven very good songs presents on “This Present Darkness”, all of them are guarantee of fun for the fans of the genre. But “Forsaken by God” (an intense and almost slow piledriving rhythm is presented, with very good bass playing and drumming), “This Present Darkness” (where some elements of Industrial Metal can be heard in the mix, and the contrasts of ambiences present sets of emotions, with very good riffs), “This Too Shall Pass” (very good faster parts, with shifts between sharp screams and low grunts), and “The Journey Home”.

(UN)WORTHY created a very good release with “This Present Darkness”. And if you’re having symptoms of depression, please, look for help from doctors and friends. This sickness is dangerous…

8 / 10









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"This Present Darkness" Track-listing:
  1. Forsaken by God
  2. This Present Darkness
  3. Satan Whispers
  4. Psalm of Lament
  5. This Too Shall Pass
  6. The Spirit Speaks
  7. The Journey Home
(Un)Worthy Lineup:

Dennis - All Vocals
Jordan - All Instruments

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