A Million Volt Scream

Transport League

To play into a classic, crude and noisy Hard Rock/Rock 'n' Roll way became a […]
August 9, 2019
Transport League - A Million Volt Scream album cover

To play into a classic, crude and noisy Hard Rock/Rock 'n' Roll way became a trend in Metal/Rock scene since some years ago. Of course many of these bands are directly (or indirectly) influenced by MOTORHEAD and AC/DC works, but sometimes, the old and good influence from Boogie comes inside the music. But we could say that the Swedish quartet TRANSPORT LEAGUE is able to do such thing and to keep sounding nasty and thunderous on "A Million Volt Scream".

Their music sounds thunderous, nasty and melodic, sounding as a mix between the two bands spoken above with some Boogie that can be heard on bands as ZZTOP. But hold your horses, these four madmen are here to show their own personality on music, using nasty melodies and hooking choruses on a form of music that is easy to be assimilated by the listeners. The production of "A Million Volt Scream" was done (along with the mix) by Roberto Laghi (the same one who worked previously with MUSTASCH, IN FLAMES, ENTOMBED AD, and others), creating something that is brutal and greasy in some points, but always clean, in a way that the balance between melodies, aggressiveness and weight are in a very good way. Yes, it's really a great work in this matter.

These veterans still has a lot of to offer to the fans, and the energy rush heard on "A Million Volt Scream" and "1200 Goddamned" (both songs present excellent melodies and a very good work on vocals and guitars), the nail-spitting tempos of "Monster Human" and "Vanished Empire" (this last one shows a solid rhythmic work from bass guitar and drums), and the nasty mix of BLACK SABBATH's influences with raw melodies shown on "Slave in Orbit" are the finest moments of the album. They're really an excellent band, and "A Million Volt Scream" deserves to be loud again and again... And again!

8 / 10









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"A Million Volt Scream" Track-listing:

1. A Million Volt Scream
2. 1200 Goddamned
3. Monster Human
4. Dawn of Lucifer
5. Vultures
6. Vanished Empire
7. Facedown Bondage
8. Slave in Orbit
9. Creature Grunts
10. Rabid Horizon

Transport League Lineup:

Tony Julien Jelencovich - Vocals, Guitar
Peter Hunyadi - Lead Guitar
Dennis Österdal - Bass
Mattias Starander - Drums 

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