Transilvania - Of Sleep and Death

Transilvania - Of Sleep and Death

No country is more important to the formation of Thrash/Black Metal than Germany. Back in […]
December 30, 2020
Transilvania - Of Sleep and Death album cover

No country is more important to the formation of Thrash/Black Metal than Germany. Back in the 80's, KREATOR, DESTRUCTION and SODOM were the driving forces that took what VENOM started and took it to another level in many ways. They even influenced Black Metal (as can be heard on the music of MAYHEM, BURZUM and DARKTHRONE, as examples). Today, both genres evolved on separate ways, but on many occasions, some bands bring them both into a coherent form of music. One of these bands is the Austrian quartet TRANSILVANIA, as can be heard on their latest release, "Of Sleep and Death".

Their music gathers influences from German Thrash/Black Metal from the 80's and Black Metal from the early days of the 90's, evading fast tempos and using a slower approach, very good technical level and some musical refinements on the musical arrangements (as used by CELTIC FROST of "To Mega Therion" days). Energetic, somber and decorated with some nasty and darkened melodies, "Of Sleep and Death" is really an excellent album. The production of the album was done in a way to preserve the old feeling of the past. In other words, it's crude and nasty, aggressive and sharp, but in a similar way to "Storm of the Light's Bane", where the listeners can understand everything without making great efforts.

Musically, the songs of the album are excellent. But for a first visit on the album (and maybe on the band's musical work), the bitter contrasts shown on "Opus Morbi" (excellent crude guitar riffs and solos), the brutal Old School grasp of "Of Sleep and Death" and of "Lycanthropic Chant" (this one shows a slower and simple approach, but tempered with somber melodies, and shows the importance of bass guitars and drums), the massive and aggressive weight of "Heart Harvest" (very good snarling vocals), and the brutal fast outfit of "Underneath Dying Stars" are indicated.

Of course, TRANSILVANIA has to evolve a bit more (and maybe a clearer sonority would fit in their music), but for now, "Of Sleep and Death" is really a great release.

8 / 10









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"Transilvania - Of Sleep and Death" Track-listing:

1. Opus Morbi
2. Hekateion
3. Of Sleep and Death
4. Lycanthropic Chant
5. Vault of Evening
6. Heart Harvest
7. Mortpetten
8. Underneath Dying Stars

Transilvania - Of Sleep and Death Lineup:

P. Čachtice - Bass, Vocals
O. von Schwarzenberg - Lead Guitars
D. D. Stumpp - Rhythm Guitars
H. Paole Grando - Drums

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