The Keep & The Spire

Theigns & Thralls

One thing is sure, the music of THEIGNS & THRALLS on "The Keep & The Spire" will have you dancing, tapping your feet, raising your tankard and sometimes even banging your head. That’s how addictive it is.
October 28, 2024

After having reviewed the debut album of the Folk Rock/Metal band THEIGNS & THRALLS for Metal Temple I honestly am quite chuffed that I have been asked by one of the band members whether I would be interested to take on their latest effort, “The Keep & The Spire” as well. And as you can see, I jumped at the chance. The band member in question commented that this album is the first one to be recorded as a complete band. Well, that is true, as THEIGNS & THRALLS was still being put together when singer and band leader Kevin Ridley started writing and recording. Apparently, the end result of their debut “Theigns & Thralls” as well as the very positive responses to the music on offer helped. I also understand that their live performances were being perceived and rated as such that all these points put together warrants the release of this second album.

Let me start by saying that the atmosphere on the whole “The Keep & The Spire” experience is a lot more coherent than it was on their debut. The sound as well as the songs are much more in line with each other, plus the level of quality throughout the whole 40 minutes of Folk Rock/Metal music is at a constant high level. There are no fillers, which makes you enjoy the whole listening experience just that little bit more. Although I have to say that it has taken away a bit of the innocence and spontaneity that was prevalent on “Theigns & Thralls”, especially on the more drink-like songs.

So, what on the whole is my take on “The Keep & The Spire” as a second album for THEIGNS & THRALLS. Simply put, I like it. A lot, actually. Like I mentioned, the music is well written, perfectly played and the Folk, Rock and (occasional) Metal influences flow together like a very pleasant streaming river. As Folk Rock/Metal is not one my most favourable musical preferences, “The Keep & The Spire” will not be in my top ten albums for 2024, but neither will I turn away from hearing THEIGNS & THRALLS when it is played. I have to admit to not having been able to see them live yet, and I truly hope to correct that wrong soon. Because if one thing is sure, the music of THEIGNS & THRALLS on "The Keep & The Spire" will have you dancing, tapping your feet, raising your tankard and sometimes even banging your head. That’s how addictive it is.

8 / 10









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"The Keep & The Spire" Track-listing:


1 Overture

2 A Single Beam

3 Fight And Lay Your Bones

4 The Battle of Maldon

5 Aftermath

6 Pagan Song

7 The Harrowing

8 The Seeker

9 Now My Life Is Done

10 The Grape And The Grain

11 Interrogativa Cantilena

12 The Mermaid Tavern


Theigns & Thralls Lineup:


Kevin Ridley: vocals/guitar
Dave Briggs: guitar/whistles/vocals
John Ryan: violin/vocals
Arjon Valk: bass guitar/vocal
Mike Verhof: drums 


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