Human Shapes

The Porridgeface

Once upon Metal, there was a style called Speed Metal, which was founded by METALLICA, […]
October 21, 2013
The Porridgeface - Human Shapes album cover

Once upon Metal, there was a style called Speed Metal, which was founded by METALLICA, but soon, all bands of the style ended or were putted inside a new label, called Thrash Metal. But after almost twenty years, the style came back to life, sometimes done by bands that focused on old school Metal, and this is the case of THE PORRIDGEFACE, a Swedish one man band who have four full-lengths (three of them released only this year!!!).

But unlike a great number of bands who walk this path, this guy really do something very good, with strength and a very heavy way. Technically, his work is fine, for we can feel a pumping heart inside its music, alive and full of energy, not a zombie copy of what was done a lot of times earlier (and better).

No sound production or artwork information is available in the sources found while this review was being written, but I really think this album was a production of Anders himself in all aspects, but besides the sound is not in a good shape (sometimes the music sounds a bit hollow), it's enough for us to hear all the instruments, so we can affirm it's good.

The greater moments of the album are the fast and beatdown "Manic Frustration" (with some guitars sounding like MOTORHEAD), "In Fraud We Trust" (a more mid tempo song, with very good vocals. it reminded me of something of Udo Dirkschineider), the well worked out "Headstone Epitaph", the fast and pumping with adrenalin "Babylon", and the powered to the core "I Hate Too Much".

I think some bands who try to do the style should hear this guy's work. He shows great promise on reflecting great good ideas, sound and intentions.

8 / 10


"Human Shapes" Track-listing:

1. Manic Frustration
2. In Fraud We Trust
3. Human Shapes
4. Rivulets of Virulence
5. Headstone Epitaph
6. Babylon
7. After Lie
8. I Hate Too Much

The Porridgeface Lineup:

Anders Lindberg - All Instruments / Vocals

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