Through Hell

The Frostbitten

The freezing winds of Old School Black Metal lives in the music of these Brazilian band.
November 16, 2023

The best way to deal with Metal genres is to have in mind that they can evolve in any direction. Music itself can walk in a line way, because things can be done in any way the musicians chose, so to be forced to do something is to be artificial. It’s obvious that Black Metal evolved since the days VENOM, BATHORY, HELLHAMMER and others, passed by musical contributions of the Second Wave (MAYHEM, BURZUM, DISSECTION, ROTTING CHRIST and others from the early years of the 90s), and now seems to be ‘uniformed’. But some surprises happen in these moments, as can be heard on “Through Hell”, from the Brazilian quartet THE FROSTBITTEN. Hailing from RS, on the south region of the country (a cradle for many known names as REBAELLIUN, KRISIUN and others), the band plays a form of Old School Black Metal mixed with personal touches and influences (a bit of the 80s Black Metal can be heard on some parts, a touch of Greek Black Metal on other moments, and many more), using mainly slower rhythms (what doesn’t mean that the quartet’s music don’t have some faster moments).

It’s different due an organic and crude outfit, but not working on a linear way (it’s the opposite, because some changes can be heard). Their music is different, aggressive and oppressive, full of energy and with an appeal that’s hard to resist to (yes, it’s really hooking). It’s not a sin at all to say that it bears something that could be called ‘Black ‘n’ Roll’ on the band’s music The sonority is something organic, looking for a bleak and nasty outfit that could allow the band’s musical ideas to be understood as well. In a certain point of view, it could be said that it’s a form of sound quality that brings the 80s Black Metal essence, but in an updated form. It could be better, but’s not bad and fits on what the band desired as well. And the artwork of Marcos Miller (Nauseimage, the same one who created artworks for DESASTER, AMEN CORNER, EXTERMINATE, CAUTERIZATION, MENTAL HORROR and others) reflects a vision of Hell into a Dante Alighieri’s concept (that can be enjoyed on the poster that is on the physical copy of the EP) for all the religions at the same time.

After “Opus Dei” (a sinister intro) comes “Limbo”, a song filled with and Old School Black Metal/Black ‘n’ Roll appeal that’s hard to resist, based on a set of slow hooking tempos (in a very good and solid work of bass guitar and drums) that reinforces the bleak and darkened appeal of the song. On the “Forest”, the band again uses slow paced rhythms that sustain a hooking (and excellent) set of guitar riffs and arrangements, without overloading in the instrumental technique in any point. As a title track, “Through Hell” carries a lot of responsibility, but it’s worthy, because using a slow approach, it’s darkened and morbid, but with some instrumental adornments that boosts the interpretative sings of the vocals (yes, shrieks can be used in such way), with some faster parts appearing in some moments and create the right contrasts for the song.

And “His Frozen Cell” begins in a fast and apocalyptic way, but soon some slow tempos appears (again, creating very good contrasts), with many Old School Black Metal traces (but pay attention to a climatic and sinister part where bass guitar and drums are contrasting). And the live version for “Through Hell”, even with such raw sonority, shows as the band’s music is really handmade and work perfectly on shows.

THE FROSTBITTEN has a lot to offer to the fans in the future, that the quartet really has potential to become a pillar for the genre in a region where acts as PATRIA, SWORDS AT HYMNS, COLD MIST, THORNS OF EVIL arose. But for now, “Through Hell” is really a very good first coming, and it seems that their first album is coming soon (let’s wait for it anxiously).

8 / 10









"Through Hell" Track-listing:
  1. Opus Dei
  2. Limbo
  3. The Forest
  4. Through Hell
  5. His Frozen Cell
  6. Through Hell (live)
The Frostbitten Lineup:

Trevas, The Usurper - Vocals
Feldunöst - Guitars
Sargonnas - Bass
To Mega Therion - Drums

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