24/7 Hate

Surgical Strike

This album depicts what means 'a massive Thrash Metal strike' means! This German band is one of the finests new names of worldwide Thrash Metal scene!
March 7, 2024

Today, definitions as ‘German’, ‘North American’, ‘Greek’ or any other related to the country from where a band comes came make no sense. It’s because a band earns influences from works that doesn’t need to be from the same country from where they come from. One fine example of such idea is the German quintet SURGICAL STRIKE, as depicted on “24/7 Hate”, their second album. The production of the album was done to have a classic Thrash Metal outfit, balancing weight, aggressiveness and clarity in a way that is hard to be heard today, because it’s really perfect.

Yes, the production, mixing and mastering were done in a way to make things clean and defines, but aggressive and weighty as well. It’s not s sin to compare it to something near of what was done for “Ride the Lightning” or “Fabulous Disaster”, but on an updated form. As the these words state clear, the hearers will deal with a Thrash Metal act, but not in a German Thrash Metal way. The quintet sows influences from North American School, with many melodic parts (hear the guitar solos and duets, especially on “The Lesson”), in a similar way to acts from San Francisco Bay Area as METALLICA, TESTAMENT and EXODUS (especially due some vocal tunes near what is usual for “Zetro” Souza on the aggressive parts). But the quintet shows a fine technical work, some brutal parts inherited from Death Metal (as the blast beats parts heard on “Discover the Evil”), and excellent catchy melodies. Yes, these guys are creative and show personality on their music, so what you’re expecting for?

The massive energy unleashed on “24/7 Hate” (many fast parts with excellent melodic lead guitars interventions contrasting with furious vocals), “Fear Monger” (again fine melodies weave by the guitars can be heard, along with charming backing vocals, and some arrangements resembles German Thrash Metal acts as DESTRUCTION), “The Lesson” (excellent drums and bass guitar parts, and the melodic solos and duets are amazing), “Discover the Evil” (abrasive arrangements on the chords can be heard along with a strong and technical drumming, with blast beats being heard in many moments, besides the song is focuses on creeping tempos), “Lonely Decision” (an uncompromised and ‘motörheadian’ set of parts contrasts with ‘nightmarian’ slow moments, and what great vocals can be heard), “Alienated” (an amazing melodic and introspective intro opens the song, but soon a set of Thrash metal hooks is unleashed)… Oh, come on! Take some time and hear to “Rose War” (a fine dose of extreme Death Metal elements can be heard on this one), “Circle Jerk” (a brutal wall of guitar riffs can be heard here), “Sorrow of War II” (a massive energy comes from this one, with excellent melodies and introspective clean parts), and “Blinder” as well. This album is the purest expression of what ‘kick asses’ mean!

SURGICAL STRIKE seems to have some potential left to be turned into music, but no one can deny that the quintet unleashed one of the best albums of the year with “24/7 Hate”.

10 / 10









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"24/7 Hate" Track-listing:
  1. Initium
  2. 24/7 Hate
  3. Fear Monger
  4. The Lesson
  5. Discover the Evil
  6. Lonely Decision
  7. Alienated
  8. Rose War
  9. Circle Jerk
  10. Sorrow of War II
  11. Blinder
Surgical Strike Lineup:

Jens “Stöpsel” Albert - Vocals
Marcelo Vasquez Rocha - Rhythm Guitar, Backing Vocals
Frank Ruhnke - Lead Guitar
Florian Seybecke - Bass, Backing Vocals
Joshua Jo - Drums

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