Genocidio Infernal

When one thinks about South American Metal scene, one must have one thing in mind: the diversity. Yes, here, from the most melodic Classic Rock and AOR ways to the most extreme Black/Death Metal, a representing band can be found (and even more). But there's one truth that must be said: as a colonized continent, it's hard to escape from the influences, and sometimes things sound as many acts that already exist. And even being founded on Geneva (Switzerland), SUPAYNIYUX ranks are from Ecuadorians maniacs (the reason for the lyrics on Spanish on "Genocidio Infernal", their first album after the release of two Demo Tapes) depicts such a thing. At first, one must pay attention that is dealing with an Old School Black/Death Metal band, inheriting a lot of influences of acts as SARCÓFAGO, BEHERIT, BLASPHEMY, MYSTIFIER and VULCANO.
It means that their musical work is based on a filthy and aggressive approach on the guitar riffs, with low grunts instead of shrieks (besides some screamed tunes can be heard on songs as "Profanación"). It's primitive and nasty, aggressive and full of energy. But it sounds a bit immature and in a 'I-heard-it-before-somewhere', even with all the potential they have (as on some really excellent guitars parts during "Era de Semen y Sangre" from where some obscure and darkened melodic elements can be heard). It's not bad, but could be better. The band hired Andrés Aguirre (of Ecuador) for making the mixing and mastering of the album. Obviously, the band looked for something filthy and organic, trying to have an Old School appeal. But in the way things were done, the final result is something noisy and fuzzy that damages the band's musical work. To sound raw and filthy isn't the same as fuzzy (a lesson to the band for their future releases).
The immaturity of the band's music on "Genocidio Infernal" can be depicted in few words: the songs are sounding similar, as an album done with only one rhythmic insight. Obviously this sensation isn't totally true, as depicted on songs as "Adoración y Culto al Mal" (some nasty contrasts between the vocals can be heard), "Profanación" (a fast and noisy song with a War Metal-like feeling), "Era de Semen y Sangre" (the darkened subjective melodic essence on some guitars is really an great tool to be explored in the future), "Exterminación" (a solid work on the rhythmic kitchen can be heard, but the guitars are hiding bass guitar parts), "Invocación Al Chivo" (due some Black/Thrash Metak-like influences, things become different), and "Genocidio Infernal", but it's the price of immaturity. The overall sensation is that the duet needs a producer to focus their musical efforts, so they should get in touch with Joel Grind (of TOXIC HOLOCAUST) or Sacha Laskow (who worked with BLACK PESTILENCE).
It's not bad and there are fans that will really fall in love with "Genocidio Infernal", but the band has potential to waste all their efforts in such a way.
6 / 10
Had Potential
"Genocidio Infernal" Track-listing:
1. Adoración y Culto al Mal
2. Muerte a Cristo
3. Profanación
4. Era de Semen y Sangre
5. Holocausto
6. Exterminación
7. Invocación Al Chivo
8. Profanus-Mentis
9. Fetos Perversos Para Satán
10. Genocidio Infernal
Supayniyux Lineup:
Lukuyay - Guitars, Vocals, Bass
Ukhupacha - Drums
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