Bukkake of Souls

Suicide Circle

This isn’t just another Black Metal band who lacks imagination and is unwilling to explore their own creation. Indeed, some of the traditional elements are thrown out the window, but the ones that matter are kept. This, as well as the duo’s penchant for supporting background sounds really propels the album forward.
January 14, 2024

SUICIDE CIRCLE is a Black Metal band hailing from France. Formed in 2019, this is the band’s sophomore release, and contains seven songs. “The Star Spawn” is first. The opening notes are quite harrowing, with effects in the background that make the song sound like it comes from deep space. The vocals are filthy spews of pestilence, and the riffs are uncommon and original., and the listener feels like they are covered in bugs and death by the end. “The Highest Spheres” is more traditional Black Metal in terms of the thick guitar riff and fast paced drums and vocals, but there is still an element of creativity that goes above and beyond the norm.

 “The Advent” is another spacey sound with rumblings of old school keys and vocals that grate in the ears of the listener. The tones are desperate, and hopeless. So far, the duo has done a lot to distance themselves from their peers in the genre. The title track is the longest, and perhaps the angriest of all the songs on the album. Again, it’s those floating background sounds that really augment the music well, and also the meter shifts and constant changing that the song goes through. If nothing else, it keeps the listener on their toes.

 “For Nothing” is a slow and dirty grind, like the title suggests. What is there in the world for the taking? Nothing, absolutely nothing. The dual vocal approach and backing elements help to put a stamp on this as well. “The Prince of Darkness” is led by thick bass notes and an ominous feeling hangs in the air. You could swear you can see the Prince slowly emerging from the shadows in front of you. “Any of You” closes the album. It begins with slow, depressing bass and clean guitar notes. All of the power and magic on the album are poured into this closer. It is utterly despondent, and hopeless, leaving the listener with nothing to take away except his soulless body.

 This isn’t just another Black Metal band who lacks imagination and is unwilling to explore their own creation. Indeed, some of the traditional elements are thrown out the window, but the ones that matter are kept. This, as well as the duo’s penchant for supporting background sounds really propels the album forward.

8 / 10









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"Bukkake of Souls" Track-listing:

1. The Star Spawn

2. The Highest Spheres

3. The Advent

4. Bukkake of Souls

5. For Nothing

6. The Prince of Darkness

7. Any of You


Suicide Circle Lineup:




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