A Merging To The Boudnless

In these times we are living, Metal is creating some mutations that we barely could name the style they're doing. Yes, sometimes, we have hard times to her, name, and even to understand what some bands are doing in musical matters. But as "Big Daddy" always says, it's a very good feature. It's a clear sign the Metal is alive, and going well, sailing waters that are unknown, and destroying bounds. Of course some addicted in mold complain a lot about this matter, but the only thing I have to say is "accept that this is the truth, and it will easy your frustration for being born after the 90s". The past holds nothing but mold and dust. But as I told above, there are times when we can't name a band's sub-genre. And this is the case of the Australian trio STARGAZER. Yes, their new work, the album "A Merging to the Boundless" is a great surprise.
We could barely label them as Avant-Garde Black/Death Metal, for the extreme vein is clear. But along with this, we have an experimental approach all the time, some Progressive and even Jazz touches clear on their music, even some influences from Doom Death Metal and some melodic touches, and even calm and tender moments. But if I say all the elements I have found, I'll write more than 10000 words, so let's stay with Avant-Garde Black/Death Metal for now. The vocals are extreme, with some very good guttural grunts, some harsh and shrieking screams, very good and technical guitars (both on riffs and solos), and the same can be said about the bass guitar and drums.
The sound quality is very good. It gives the band's music strength and weight, but as well is clear enough to understand what they're playing and even the musical arrangements (and there are thousands of them on this album).
The greater part of their songs is very long, during more than 5 minutes, but of course even that factor is not an absolute one.
Of course songs as the multi-faceted "Old Tea" (hear as the bass guitar plays in a way influences totally by Jazz, along with very experimental riffs in a song with an introspective atmosphere), the aggressive but elegant "An Earth Rides Its Endless Carousel" with its excellent riffs and drums, and the voyage called "The Grand Equalizer", an 11 minutes song that presents all their musical identity, with some calm and tender moments, other more aggressive, but with all the band in their best form.
Addicted in mold, stay away, but to all those Metallians that have a thinking mind, this album is for you.
10 / 10

"A Merging To The Boudnless" Track-listing:
1. Black Gammon
2. Old Tea
3. An Earth Rides Its Endless Carousel
4. A Merging To The Boundless
5. The Grand Equalizer
6. Ride The Everglade Of Reogniroro
7. Incense And Aeolian Chaos
StarGazer Lineup:
The Great Righteous Destroyer - Vocals & Bass
The Serpent Inquisitor - Vocals & Guitars
Selenium - Drums
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