And When The Sky Was Opened


From time to time, Mexico has some extremely strong seismic activities that really terrorize people […]
March 9, 2016
Serocs - And When The Sky Was Opened album cover

From time to time, Mexico has some extremely strong seismic activities that really terrorize people lives. But not all of them are bad, because sometimes, Metal bands that appear on those lands can shake the ground with their music. And SEROCS is one of them, due the brutality of their songs, as we can hear on "And When The Sky Was Opened".

Their songs exhale a strong and aggressive form of Death Metal, with some technique and lots of Jazz music moments. Of course the formula of their musical work is nothing extremely new, but the difference is on the way they prefer to do things. Resuming the things to you all: it's no new Metal style, but is a new vision of it, given by the band's personality. And be prepared for a massive and brutal attack, guys!

The sound quality is a bit rawer than the necessary. Not to the point you can't understand their work, but this extremely dry insight doesn't seem to allow some good tunes on drums. Hear the tunes of the snare drum and you'll understand what I mean. The rest is ok, but this aspect is really disturbing.

Musically speaking, the band has a very good work, focusing their creative power in breeding very good songs. Here, we have eight of them.

The brutal assault of the fast "And So It Begins" (presenting very good guitars and a technical drumming), the technical and abrasive "Solitude" (here, some jazz influence appears clearly, especially due the good work of bass guitar. Even some influence from Gothenburg Death Metal appears on the guitar riffs), the extremely worked ones and full of rhythmic changes "When The Ground Swallowed Us..." (The vocals are doing a great job, along with bass and drums) and "...And When the Sky Was Opened", and the brutal "Them" can be named as their best moments, even with the album being entirely good.

Their work is good, but a better sound production is needed.<

8 / 10


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"And When The Sky Was Opened" Track-listing:

1. And So It Begins
2. Solitude
3. Itami
4. When The Ground Swallowed Us...
5. (...)
6. ...And When the Sky Was Opened
7. Them
8. For Nothing

Serocs Lineup:

Josh Smith - Vocals
Antonio Freyre - Guitars
Phil Tougas - Guitars
Mike Poggione - Bass
Timo Häkkinen - Drums

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