
Although the readers know names as SARCÓFAGO, KRISIUN and SEPULTURA from Brazil, the country's scene isn't only done by extreme Metal bands. ANGRA is a fine example, but there are many others, names that are just waiting a chance of being fully heard and understood in a time when digital music make people focus their attention on their favorite bands. And maybe the Brazilian project SCREAM! can be one of them, as can be heard on the band's first release, "Scream!".
The band is a project of Raphael Gazal (known for his playing with names as BULLETBACK, LEVIATHAN, MOONLIGHT PROPHECY, PLAGUE AND THE DECAY, TAILGUNNERS, CHILDREN OF THE BEAST, PASTORE, and as live musician to support Blaze Bayley), having Welbe on vocals, and the result is a vigorous, strong and melodic traditional Heavy Metal, bearing elements from NWOBHM, but as well from US traditional Heavy/Power Metal School. It's fresh and has an amazing hooking energy, but being aggressive as well due the set of tunes used by the vocals. It can remind a lot North American names on their earlier works, especially names as SAVATAGE, OMEN, LIZZY BORDEN and others, but with an European Metal touch.
The only "but" resides on the sonority of "Scream!". It's good, with everything sounding clear and in a way that even the listeners' grandma can understand, but it sounds a bit rawer than the right point, what isn't a mortal sin, but it could be done in a better way. A feature to be corrected in the future releases of the band.
The songs are fine example of Heavy Metal using fantastic literature as lyrics (based on the works of names as H.P. Lovecraft, Stephen King, Bernard Cornwell and others), so it could be labeled easily as 'Horror Heavy Metal'. And on the seven good songs, all works in great shape, being "Ameeron" (with its nasty and melodic guitars than can remind something that KING DIAMOND used on the 80's, along with some clean voices contrasting with nasty screams), the charming melodies and arrangements of "The Necromancer", the hooking NWOBHM insight used on "Crow", the contrasts of rhythms and ambiances shown on "Salt" (an eight minutes long song, filled with many changes of tempos), and the abrasive feeling of "Devil's Ball" are the best ones for a first time on the band's work.
Enter the maelstrom provided by "Scream!", and let SCREAM! be your guide! Lovecraft would be proud of these guys!
8 / 10

"Scream!" Track-listing:
1. Ameeron
2. The Necromancer
3. Crow
4. Salt
5. Berenice
6. Devil's Ball
7. Dunwich
Scream! Lineup:
Welbe - Vocals
Raphael Gazal - All Instruments
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