Savant Attack

Since the coming back of Thrash Metal to evidence, many acts are releasing new albums or EPs every day, in a way that’s pretty hard to follow by the fans. Some prefer to stay near the elements of the genre’s origin (in other words, the blend between Hardcore and Heavy Metal as it was between in the first half of the 80s); others prefer to work on an actual model that is faithful to the genre’s origins, but using (and sometimes abusing) of other influences. In Brazil, the bands try to bind together many influences into Thrash Metal, and that don’t deny to mature and to learn some new lessons. One of them is the quartet SAVANT, of Rio de Janeiro, here back with the third chapter of the band’s existence (it’s their third album), “Savant Attack”.
The quartet’s music is a form of Old School Bay Area Thrash Metal with influences of TESTAMENT, SLAYER, EXODUS, MEGADETH and others in the same vein, or in other words, it’s violent, nasty and shows a fine technical appeal on its arrangements, sometimes with rhythms played at breakneck speed; and on others, slower and oppressive. The band works in a way that the melodies are subjective, but clear to the trained ears (as can be heard on “Unveil Your Face”), with nasty clean vocals fitting on the savage guitar riffs (and melodic solos and duets), and all built upon a technical and heavy work of the rhythmic artillery on bass guitar and drums. Some can say that the quartet isn’t reinventing the wheel (even with the somber and darkened “Burden Visions” showing a different set of elements), but their work is honest, full of energy and personality.
The production, recordings, mixing and mastering were done by Daniel Escobar (the band’s guitarist, who sign works with bands as AZUL LIMÃO, LEATHER, NERVOCHAOS, INDISCIPLINE, FORKILL and others), with the recordings of the drums being done at AM Studios; and the backing vocals were recorded at Calabouço Studio (RJ); vocals, guitars, bass guitars recordings and re-amp took place at Trenzalore Studio (RJ) (where he mixing and mastering were done as well). All was done in a way to create and aggressive, “thick” and energetic sonority, but that allows everything to be heard clearly (the bass guitar is clear in many moments, and not subjective as some albums of the genre present), and organic as well (the band used only instruments on the studio). And some guests are on the album: Fernanda Lira (of CRYPTA) on the vocals on “Burden Visions”), and the backing vocals of Ronnie Giehl and Igor Rodrigues (both members of FORKILL), Frederico Lima and Antônio Vargas. And the artwork is amazing (a work signed by Alex Genaro), reminding the old comics of Marvel and DC comics, with lyrics being disposed in such format, and offered in a package with slipcase, poster, sticker and a cup holder.
It can be said that “Savant Attack” songs depict the concept of its lyrics (that deal with the philosophical aspects of human mind, and the reasons behind human actions), and it’s really an amazing surprise. “Savant Attack” opens with disturbing and somber guitars arrangements before exploding into a violent and fast song based on a heavy and crushing work of bass guitar and drums (but pay attention to the instrumental arrangements). And “One Step to Madness” is another faster and hooking moment of the album, but with a more Crossover/Hardcore way (but with fine vocals and backing vocals contrasts).
The speed keeps its fast tendency on “Stacked Time” (but with some rhythmic contrasts and charming bass guitar arrangements), and spewing heavy aggressiveness into the hearers’ ears. Using a slower set of tempos (with hooking guitar riffs filling all the spaces) “Dark Fate” shows a massive energy and drips aggressiveness of its melodic lines (what very good drums’ arrangements and backing vocals). On “Unveil Your Face”, the band brings back the faster Thrash Metal approach that boost the aggressiveness, again with fine contrasts between vocals and backing vocals (but pay attention to the charming melodies during such moments of contrasts). On “Rejected Prophecy”, some influences of Thrash Metal in the days it was nearer Power Metal (in the USA sense), with rhythms remind SLAYER during “Show No Mercy” and “Hell Awaits” days (including on the guitars riffs arrangements).
“Burden Visions” is the most different song of the album, using a deeper and melancholic appeal with disturbing melodies, a song that enriches the album and shows how the band can use different influences on its work (and pay attention to the keyboards effects and parts, and vocals as well). And “Walk Alone” brings faster rhythms in a ‘crossoverized’ form, but exploring some melodic elements on the vocals and backing vocals.
Using a more traditional embodiment into Thrash Metal, “Build Your Future” comes in a more mid-tempo tendency, but using and abusing of nasty and aggressive hooks, The same kind of rhythms and contrasts will be found on “Before and After (Roads)” (even with some faster and apocalyptic parts with blast beats of the drums, with intense riffing drilling into the hearers’ skulls). And closing the massacre comes “Cyber Script(ures)”, another song with some unexpected melodies on its beginning before exploding with massive energy and based on faster tempos and good nasty vocals (but check some melodic slower moments where the guitar solos are amazing on their melodic appeal).
“Savant Attack” shows that SAVANT is on a mid-way between Old School Thrash Metal and modern traditional Heavy Metal, but taking advantage of different influences. Listen to it and prepare to have your ears corroded!
10 / 10

"Savant Attack" Track-listing:
- Savant Attack
- One Step to Madness
- Stacked Time
- Dark Fate
- Unveil Your Face
- Rejected Prophecy
- Burden Visions
- Walk Alone
- Build Your Future
- Before and After (Roads)
- Cyber Script(ures)
Savant Lineup:
Antônio Vargas - Guitars, Vocals, Backing Vocals
Daniel Escobar - Guitars
Frederico Lima - Bass, Backing Vocals
Felipe Saboia - Drums
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