Harder Than Steel


Well, I hope that you all, dear nieces and nephews of your "Ol' Big Daddy" […]
March 28, 2015
Revenge - Harder Than Steel album cover

Well, I hope that you all, dear nieces and nephews of your "Ol' Big Daddy" here, know Dolly, the sheep. It was the first clone that appeared, back in the 90s. It was a great effort from scientists to create such creature, and cloning processes can be the key to a better future to all mankind. "But what does Dolly have to do with Metal?", you may ask, and the answer is simple: since the end of the 90s, a great number of bands became in love with metal from the eighties, believing that redoing what was done is the key to something. Yet, it's the key to a big flaw if you don't breathe some personality on your musical work. A clone has nothing to offer, because it has no personality, and from now on, "Big Daddy" here will call every clone band as "Dolly Metal". The Colombian quartet REVENGE is a fine example of "Dolly Metal", for their album "Harder Than Steel" lacks of personality.

It's just another band trying to resurrect the 80s mix between speed metal and traditional heavy metal, while following the German school of bands like old RUNNING WILD (they even made a version for "Chains and Leather", from the German quartet classic "Branded & Exiled"), and influences from melodic thrash metal bands as EXCITER and RAZOR. Yes, they play hard and fast, but melodically, with vocals, with normal tunes (but having a touch of aggressiveness), good work on guitars, and on rhythmic session. But the lack of personality is too great to ignore. They really seem to inmitate a handful of bands from the 80s, but not as REVENGE, if you know what I mean.

The sound quality is very good, indeed, but this aspect only proves that they really are a good band. They really just need to put more of their personality on songs.

"Headbangers Brigade", "Gravestone", and "Torment & Sacrifice", are proofs that we need to see their potential to create excellent songs, but they need to drop out the 80s albums from their sound machines when composing. It's the clear idea we have when dealing with this album.

Please, dear hermanos, you can for sure do a great work, but you need to do things on your own, not for 80's metal sake. Breathe some life in your songs on next time.

5 / 10


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"Harder Than Steel" Track-listing:

1. Headbangers Brigade
2. Harder Than Steel
3. Witching Possession
4. Gravestone
5. Back for Vengeance
6. Torment & Sacrifice
7. Flying to Hell
8. At the Gates of Hell
9. Motorider
10. Chains and Leather

Revenge Lineup:

Esteban Mejía "Hellfire" - Vocal & Guitars
Esteban Muñoz "NightCrawler" - Lead Guitars
Jorge Rojas "Seth" - Bass
Daniel Hernández "Hell Avenger" - Drums

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