Rebirth in Darkness

Latin America is filled with an Old School feeling. A great number of bands from these lands prefer to use some old elements from the past, and their musical works reflect this aspect clearly. One good example is from the Mexican trio RAGNELL, because that's what "Rebirth in Darkness" is showing. Their musical work is a blend between Old School Death Metal from the 90's (especially from names as IMMOLATION, DEICIDE and the earlier albums of DEATH) with some harmonies from Black Metal of the 90's (DARKTHRONE's work could be a nice reference during "A Blaze in the Northern Sky" era). Of course their musical work isn't something that wasn't heard before, but they show a personal approach that could be even more expressed on their songs, but it's a matter of evolution. For now, they're doing a good job, indeed.
Obviously, such form of music deserves a sound quality that must be crude and truly nasty, and that's what the listener will find on "Rebirth in Darkness", but not in a way moldy and that no one could understand. No, nothing sounds like that, because it's easy to understand what is being played, and the rawness comes from the instrumental tunes used on the recording sessions. The brutal outfit with some melodies shown on "Ablaze in the Altar (of Sacrifice)" (some clean moments are presented here), the harsh ambiance of "Bath in the Blood of the Priest" (very good vocals, with grunts mixed with some clean voices), the nasty atmospheric grasp of "Dethrone" (an insane drumming is presented in some moments), the nasty introspective approach used on the darkened melodies of "Infernal Torment" (very good guitar riffs, indeed), and the fine use of shrieked vocal tunes on "Aeterna Victoria" are the best moments of the album. But the use of some Gregorian-like chants on the bonus song "Path of Darkness" is a good idea as well.
Improving the sound quality (there are ways to sound in an Old School format better than this one), and having the courage to go into deep waters will make RAGNELL's work reach the next level. For now, they're truly good, and "Rebirth in Darkness" deserves a careful listening.
8 / 10

"Rebirth in Darkness" Track-listing:
1. Ablaze in the Altar (of Sacrifice)
2. Bath in the Blood of the Priest
3. Broken to Faith
4. Dethrone
5. Divine Eradication
6. Infernal Torment
7. Aeterna Victoria
8. Path of Darkness
9. Holy Center of Worship, to Burn
Ragnell Lineup:
Eduardo de La Peña - Bass, Vocals
Mauricio - Guitars, Vocals
Dave Apocalipzyz - Drums
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