Into Certain Death


The tendency of playing old musical formulas of the past has a two-faced aspect: on […]
October 22, 2020
Ragehammer - Into Certain Death album cover

The tendency of playing old musical formulas of the past has a two-faced aspect: on one side, the bands can become a boring clone of what was done in the past, and like pimps, will live-off what others did; on the other, the bands can take the old format and breathe life onto it, creating something that can seem like in the past, but with a pulsing life on it. And RAGEHAMMER from Poland seems to be in the second case, as "Into Certain Death" show.

As many bands, they took influences from German Thrash/Black Metal format from the 80's, but the quartet uses a clear nasty influence from MOTÖRHEAD as well, what brings a hooking energy to their music. Obviously this formula was used many times in the past, but they did things on their own way, using even some extreme blast beats, so their musical work really has something different to offer, and what amazing energy they unleash! M. made the recording, mixing and mastering of "Into Certain Death", and he created something that has that old organic outfit from the past, but using a modern aesthetics. The result is a vigorous and sharp sound quality, and the quartet seems to have recorded its sessions with in the simplest way possible in some moments.

All the songs are very good, and although these maniacs could have dared a bit more, their musical work is really excellent, as can be heard on the manic "We Are the Hammer" (a fast song with catchy guitar riffs, along a solid work from bass guitar and drums), the outstanding energy of "Jesus Goat" (it's like a Thrashcore MOTÖRHEAD putting the house down, and where the vocals contrasts a very good set of tunes, from low tune aggressive voices to extreme shrieks), the fast Metal/Hardcore grasp of "Peace" and of "616. TerrorKorps" (this one has some elements that can remind the listeners of the best moments from IMPALED NAZARENE), the nuclear guitars of "Fear Toxin", and the long and full of variations "Prophet of Genocide Part II (Mother Winter Eternal)" (the slower parts are amazing, and maybe they're point for a musical possibility to be explored in the future). It's a perfect album to cause endless pains on the neck.

It's really a surprise to hear such good work, so let's hope that "Into Certain Death" can grow and be heard by all extreme Metal fans. RAGEHAMMER deserves to grow as a band!

9 / 10

Almost Perfect








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"Into Certain Death" Track-listing:

1. Beneath the Red Suns
2. We Are the Hammer
3. Jesus Goat
4. Peace
5. Na pewną śmierć
6. 616. TerrorKorps
7. Fear Toxin
8. Omega Red
9. Dragon City
10. Prophet of Genocide Part II (Mother Winter Eternal)

Ragehammer Lineup:

Heretik Hellstörm - Vocals
Bestial Avenger - Guitars
Corpsebutcher - Bass
Mortar - Drums

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