

There are times when the end of trends in Metal and Rock are desired by […]
October 4, 2019
Pinewalker - Migration album cover

There are times when the end of trends in Metal and Rock are desired by the fans, because, as everyone already knows, the countless bands that arise causes a dispersion of quality, then the search of something really good in the middle of such invasion becomes a great and hard trial. But there are some bands that really deserve the attention of the listeners, and even with some features that need improvements, they got talent to make good things in the future. And the North American quintet PINAWALKER has a good musical potential, as "Migration" (the band's first album) shows.

This is a greasy and organic mix between Doom Metal, Stoner Rock and some touches of Sludge Metal and even grunts from extreme Metal genres, done with tons of that noisy and dirty feeling, but filled with balanced doses of melodies and aggressiveness. And although this formula isn't new at all, they show personality and a raw musical talent that can be sharpened by experience. But for now, their musical work is really good. Recorded, mixed and mastered by Andy Patterson at The Boars Nest studio, the final result of his efforts is a sound quality that sounds filthy and organic as some fans of this specific musical genre love, but being clear for those who aren't fans of it can understand and absorb without complains. The clear idea that comes to mind is that the rawness comes from the sets of instrumental tunes and equipment.

"Sentinel" bears some really good tempo changes and very good guitar riffs, the extreme influence heard on "Burning Earth" (very good double bass drums), the screamed grunts heard on "Maelstrom" and contrasts of vocals tunes of "Self Vs. Self" (a great work from guitars again) are the songs that show that the band's name has future, if it deals with things in the right way. "Migration" is a good release for a band that's beginning its career, but the way they do things shows that they can grow more and more in a near future. Musical talent for that PINEWALKER has.

8 / 10









"Migration" Track-listing:

1. Sentinel
2. Bone Collector
3. Burning Earth
4. Maelstrom
5. Space Witch
6. Self Vs. Self
7. The Thaw

Pinewalker Lineup:

Tarran Mead - Guitars, Vocals
Jason Kennington - Guitars, Vocals
Sam Roe - Lead Guitar, Vocals
Ethan Jentzsch - Bass
Nate Perkins - Drums

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