Putrefaction of Infinite Apogee


These Brutal Death Metal adepts must mature a bit more...
April 3, 2024

Sometimes, when dealing with any Metal genre you can think of, a musician must have clear in mind: you can be in love with a band’s music, or can say that he/she was raised hearing to this or that band, but you must be yourself. No one needs clones, and no one can continue a musical work of another band. It’s a fallacy to think in this way! And the second work of the Indonesian duet PERVERATION, “Putrefaction of Infinite Apogee”, depicts a band with potential, but that must turn of the music player. Indra Cahya did the mixing and mastering, creating a dense and heavy sonority that’s traditional for Brutal Death Metal acts, and defining things as they must. Of course the instrumental tunes could be better (especially on the snare drum), but’s not as bad as these words could mean. And the artwork of Rudi Gorgingsuicide is able to make a coroner puke his guts out (it’s good, really, but disgusting).

As written above, this duet works in a form of Brutal Death Metal that’s based on the most traditional way, with resemblances with SUFFOCATION (without the same technical refinement), CANNIBAL CORPSE on Chris Barnes’ days (the low tuned grunts and snarls depicts such fact) and MORBID ANGEL during “Covenant” and “Domination” days (due the care on the guitars’ arrangements and filthy appeal). But the band’s music still lacks a personality, as it’s lying under the shadow of their musical influences. It sounds an offspring of the names written above, and it’s not good for such potential.

It’s clear that fans of Brutal Death Metal will become in love with the band’s songs, as depicted on moments as “Bacterium Decomposition” (due the song’s rhythmic shifts and oppressive impact), “Consuming Maggots Seeds” (the shrapnel parts on the drums are really good), “Festering Throat” (good guitar parts supporting such low grunts), “Damaging Excrement” (that follows the same tendency of the previous song), “Infernal Apogee” (influences of MORBID ANGEL are clear here on the guitars’ arrangements), and “Devouring Voraciously”; but for a more critical listener, their work sound hollow of personality, so it’s a release to not waste too much time.

Again: playing Metal isn’t an ideological thing, and PERVERATION needs to mature and use a personal way. For now, “Putrefaction of Infinite Apogee” is only for the Brutal Death Metal fanatics.

6 / 10

Had Potential








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"Putrefaction of Infinite Apogee" Track-listing:
  1. Bacterium Decomposition
  2. Consuming Maggots Seeds
  3. Eviscerated Innards
  4. Festering Throat
  5. Damaging Excrement
  6. Infernal Apogee
  7. Necrocannibalism
  8. Chaotic Spreading
  9. Devouring Voraciously
  10. Abominable Dismembered
Perveration Lineup:

Jossick - Vocals
Sahrul Ramadhan - Guitars, Bass, Drums

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