Magna Adversia

When we are dealing with Black Metal, we must have in mind that the style was created in the beginning of the 80s, but its evolution and conception only got an identity with the coming of the SWOBM in the beginning of the 90s, with Norway, Greece and Sweden being the great spearheads of the style in the world. Black Metal broods many bands throughout the world since then, being of the best the Brazilian band PATRIA. They are back with their new album, "Magna Adversia", their first release via Soulseller Records.
For all those that already know their work, the band focus their efforts in doing that nasty and raw way of Black Metal that reminds a lot the same style from Norwegian bands as MAYHEM, DARKTHRONE and SATYRICON, but with a whole different personality. On this new album, they show some somber and sad melodies along with refined technical work in many parts of the songs. Then, we must say that PATRIA has deep and strong roots in the style, but know how to evolve their own musicality.
The production was done by Mantus and Triumphsword, but Øystein G. Brun (BORKNAGAR's guitarist) co-produced, mixed and mastered "Magna Adversia" on Crosound Studios, on Garnes (Norway). The result is a sound quality that is likely those from the past, but with the clarity of our modern days, and the weight the band's songs deserve. The artwork is another fine piece done by the Brazilian graphic artist Marcelo Vasco, capturing the whole sense of their music and lyrics.
On "Magna Adversia", the band is excellent, and some guests do excellent parts: Asgeir Mickelson (from ABYSSIC, GOD OF ATHEISTS, SCARIOT, SPIRAL ARCHITECT, and THORNBOUND) played all the drums' parts (except on "Magna Advseria"), Fabiano Penna (from REBAELLIUN) made the introduction for "Now I Bleed" and the orchestrations on "Magna Adversia", where Øystein made some effects and programmed drums. The band's live guitar player Ristow made some guitar parts as well.
The album is truly excellent, but as mere reference for the reader, we can say that "Infidels" with its fast and aggressive guitar parts, the brutal and atmospheric "Axis" (with very good darkened melodies), the bitterness of the guitars and vocals shown on "A Two-Way Path", the classical Black Metal approach of "Arsonist" (with very good work from bass guitar and drums), the oppressive atmosphere of "The Oath", and the traditional insight on SWOBM used on "Porcelain Idols" can fit as their finest moments.
So, we can say that PATRIA is the right band for those who miss the past, the times from the beginning of the 90s, but as well, "Magna Advseria" will seduce many extreme Metal fans.
One of the best albums of the year came so early...
10 / 10

"Magna Adversia" Track-listing:
1. Infidels
2. Axis
3. Heartless
4. A Two-Way Path
5. Communion
6. Now I Bleed
7. Arsonist
8. The Oath
9. Porcelain Idols
10. Magna Adversia
Patria Lineup:
Triumphsword - Vocals
Mantus - Guitars, Bass
Asgeir Mickelson - Drums
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