
Every Metal genre that exists has a countless number of features that turns things interesting for the fans, a diversity of sonorities. There isn't only a way of playing any genre the reader can think of. In Black Metal, such contrasts seem more evident sometimes, because on it (as happens on Death Metal as well) the musicians have not excessive constrains, and freedom reigns. And even playing on the most classic form as possible, one can create something personal. This is the case of what is heard on "Pelgrimsoord", the latest (actually, the second) album of OSSAERT (from Netherlands).
The band (actually a one man act) works on a traditional form of Black Metal similar to names of the First Norwegian Black Metal Wave as EMPEROR, SATYRICON and ULVER (this one due the use of clean tunes on the vocals), but in a personal form that is full of energy, very good instrumental arrangements and catchy somber melodies to improve things. Yes, it's truly a charming musical work that is almost impossible to resist! W. (the same one who recorded the drums parts) mixed and mastered the songs of "Pelgrimsoord". The idea: to have a classical outfit on the sound quality, so it's rude and crude, but the band's musical work can be easily understood for those that are into what Black Metal meant to be in the 90's (the famous 'ugly aesthetics').
"De Geest en de Vervoering" (a nasty song with a bitter funeral ambience, and with nasty guitar riffs and shrieks), "De Val en de Beroering" (another very good shot from the band, with a set of solid rhythm contrasts, what means that bass guitar and drums are great, along with some clean vocals), "De Nacht en de Verdwijning" (very good slow parts can be heard, creating morbid moments, and the clean vocals are creating amazing contrasts), and "De Dag en de Verschijning" (a storm of somber guitars can be heard on this one) are fine pieces that can remind the fans of the old days how things were during the 90's, when Black Metal was an outcast for many. But they can present as well to newcomers the very essence of the genre, and show that there are forms of playing in the old form but with personality.
If you're a 90's Black Metal survivor, "Pelgrimsoord" is the album you're looking for. If you're a young Black Metal fan, enjoy the dark offering given by OSSAERT, and you won't regret the experience.
9 / 10
Almost Perfect

"Pelgrimsoord" Track-listing:
1. De Geest en de Vervoering
2. De Val en de Beroering
3. De Nacht en de Verdwijning
4. De Dag en de Verschijning
Ossaert Lineup:
P. - Vocals, Guitars, Bass
W. - Drums (session)
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