All Metal genres share a common feature: the ability of evolving in the needs of new times. Of course that is important to have bands preserving the old ways (but not copying what was already done), but many must do things in a different way into the future, to improve things and make Metal interesting for new generations to come. And from Finland comes ODIOSIOR, a band that tries to make things new with "Odiosior", a 5-tracks EP, and the band first release.
In reality, it's a one man band project, having as its sole member A. Vexd (the same guy from TO CONCEAL THE HORNS and GHOST BRIGADE). And this EP shows a form of Old School Finnish Black Metal, but with some different elements that breathe a new life on such eroded format. Even some Gothic Rock/Post-Punk elements can be heard in some moments (as on "Kavahda Näkyäni"), and many more can be found hearing the EP with patience. But the final result is very good, showing that cold, crude and hooking form of aggressive music.The sound quality is raw to a point, created with nasty and organic instrumental tunes, but with the whole sound ambiance being clean in a way that even a dummy can understand without doing great efforts.
"Kavahda Näkyäni", as said above, shows some elements from Gothic Rock/Post-Punk (especially on the bass guitar playing), but with that nasty contrasts between slow and fast parts. On "Kutsu", a more traditional musical structure can be heard, with morbid keyboards and sharp guitars, and the same can be heard on "Oodi Sudelle" (but without the keyboards, and with very good shrieks in a Finnish Black Metal way). "Antaudu Yölle" is brutal and fast as well (but contrasting with some slow moments), but something different can be detected on the guitar riffs' harmonic structures. And "Andrasin Sinetti" is that climatic and morbid song with nasty and bitter slow parts, and filled with hooking crude melodies.
Well, after hearing ODIOSIOR's debut release, the main idea that the listeners will have is 'why the blazes is it not a full album after all?', because "Odiosior" seems to be too short at its end.
9 / 10
Almost Perfect
"Odiosior" Track-listing:
1. Kavahda Näkyäni
2. Kutsu
3. Oodi Sudelle
4. Antaudu Yölle
5. Andrasin Sinetti
Odiosior Lineup:
A.Vexd - Vocals, All Instruments
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