No Remorse

Brazil is really a fertile country in terms of Metal, and Thrash Metal can be […]
October 21, 2013
No Remorse - DemoHATE album cover

Brazil is really a fertile country in terms of Metal, and Thrash Metal can be the most outstanding style, for every day, we can see good names appearing, and a new one who shows a fine sound is NO REMORSE (a.k.a. NR for the ones next to them), coming from Rio de Janeiro lands, with their Debut EP, "DemoHATE".

Their music is focused in the North American Thrash Metal, in names like TESTAMENT and DEATH ANGEL, but with some aspects of SLAYER and touches of German TANKARD, so you can have in mind that they really play in a well worked way, but it's harsh and aggressive. They can break your teeth with their music, no doubt about that.

Dry and harsh vocals, guitars with very aggressive and good riffs and fine solos, bass and drums showing technique and weighting heavy, so you better take care when hearing it, for your parents will expel you from your home.

When you hear the sound coming from the speakers and the information about recordings, it turns clear the reason for it's so good: the Pirozzi Brothers took the duties of engineering, mixing and mastering the work at the Pyro Z Studio, a Mecca for Rio de Janeiro's Metal bands. The sound is clear, but heavy and very harsh. The art is fine, besides it's very simple, but take a look at the CD label, and have a surprise: it looks like Heinenken's label, but showing the band's name. A good joke, indeed.

We can affirm that all the five tracks are fine (the first one is an intro), but at first hearing, you'll like a lot from "Growing Hate" (a violent Thrash Metal puke in the face, with fine guitar work, especially the solos), the insane "Drunkyard" (a fast and furious song, with some touches that reminded me of TANKARD, especially the lyrics. And expect your walls to tremble), and "Souls of Hypocrisy" (good vocals, bass and drums working as one with good technique and spewing forth a heavy weight to everyone in sight).

If you're having neck pains and your bones aching, be welcome to this writer's side of the table.

See you all in the drunken moshpit!

9 / 10

Almost Perfect

"DemoHATE" Track-listing:

1. Cannibal Assault (intro)
2. Growing Hate
3. Death Clock
4. Single Bullet
5. Drunkyard
6. Souls of Hypocrisy

No Remorse Lineup:

Igor Rodrigues - Guitars / vocals
Paulo Curty - Guitars
Pedro Nazareth - Bass / backing vocals
Erick Mamede - Drums

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