Morbid Delusions


Australia is full of some of the world's most poisonous creatures... and NEFARIYM are no […]
October 24, 2021
Nefariym - Morbid Delusions album cover

Australia is full of some of the world's most poisonous creatures... and NEFARIYM are no exception. Hailing from Melbourne, the trio of possessed Death metallers are more lethal than a Taipan snake covered in Redbacks with their incendiary blackened OSDM sounding deliciousness. Presenting an eleven-track debut album of sinister measure, NEFARIYM serve up a nod to the golden era of early 90's Death Metal, delivering blow after blow of stabbing blast beats, abyssally dark melodies and catastrophic cuts of seismic measure in "Morbid Delusions".

Opening the album, the eerie creep of "Veiled in Death" subtly crawls over your skin with haunting mellowness, merging seamlessly into the full-pelt body-blow of "Succubus" - a female demon who has intercourse with men in their sleep - the blast beats pounding, guitars wailing, and throaty gutturals all lend to creating some kind of sonic, berserk slut; it's quite the track to behold and there's zero foreplay from NEFARIYM, they go straight for the kill and ravage. The blackened touch is sheer pleasure, and often feels delightfully maniacal, especially in the likes of "A Morbid Delusion", rabid, catastrophic and chaotic, yet in all its unhinged madness of incessant drumming and bowel-driven vocals, the collective instrumental control is to die for and overall creates a track that feels like you're dancing with the devil on cocaine.

Harking back to those bygone OSDM days, "Tearing the Flesh from the Bone" feels reminiscent of a slab of OBITUARY thrust in your ears, with the down-tuned muckiness of "Wallow in the Filth" following perfectly, ravaging every cell of your being, defiling from start to finish. The guitar tone is perfect for achieving something wretched and unhallowed and the variation of the tracks continues to captivate, NEFARIYM showcasing plenty of diversity to keep their claws firmly hooked into you. "Monolithic Dread" and "Humanity Falls" take a more Doom twist on the NEFARIYM journey which stalls the energy of the album slightly, however, the face-melting cut "The Seeds of Hate" instantly remedies this, prevailing as the earworm of "Morbid Delusions", and my personal highlight of the record.

Wrapping up the LP, NEFARIYM opt for a cover of CELTIC FROST's "Circle of the Tyrants", pouring their own dark and deadly infusion into the track, saturating the piece with their own evil touch, bookending an essentially contemptible collection of visceral compositions perfectly. NEFARIYM certainly don't disappoint and if you like your Death Metal dirty, "Morbid Delusions" is a perfectly feculent addition to your collection of filth.

8 / 10









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"Morbid Delusions" Track-listing:

1. Veiled in Death
2. Succubus
3. A Morbid Delusion
4. Tearing the Flesh from the Bone
5. Wallow in the Filth
6. Monolithic Dread
7. Humanity Falls
8. Endless Decay
9. The Seeds of Hate
10. Into the Blackened Abyss
11. Circle of the Tyrants

Nefariym Lineup:

Mark Kelson - Vocals, Guitar and Bass
Richie Poate - Lead Guitar
Morbid - Drums

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