Warfield Forever


A new and better release from this Old School Death Metal band.
February 21, 2024

Evolution is something that will affect everyone in due time, especially in music. It means that a band that wasn’t doing great before can get better. It’s something that happens all the time, and it’s good when a band can show it. On 2021, I wrote the review for “Some Things Should Stay Underground” of the Puerto Rico quartet NECRONEMESIS, and saw potential on their music to become a good band, even greater that simple words and thoughts could say. But on their new release, the EP “Warfield Forever”, they show that they used the time wisely. The main reason for this evolution is the sonority: this time the band is using something really organic (as the tunes used by the instruments are near of what a live show can be), but with a better level of definition, allowing the hearers to understand what’s being played. It’s really a very good result.

Musically, the band evolved: their work still relies on an Old School Death Metal formula, taking inspirations on North American school of the 90s (again, influences of CANNIBAL CORPSE, MONSTROSITY and DEICIDE can be heard), with that old and good set of Hardcore traces (heard clearly on some guitar riffs on “Dreaming with Dead Bodies”) but now being worked in a more personal form. It means that their music sounds brutal and aggressive, but always with extreme hooks and a solid and coherent appeal. For Old School Death Metal fans, these songs will really be a tasteful experience.

“Dreaming with Dead Bodies” is full of contrasts between fast and slow rhythms, but’s plenty of hooks, and depicts a very good and technical work of bass guitar and drums. On “Drawn and Quartered”, the slaughter continues, with sharp guitar riffs and arrangements laying on a rhythmic work that is full of changes. “Share the Load” is short and brutal, inheriting some Grindcore influences, where low grunts contrasts with harsh screams. “Warfield of the Dead” is a total brutal song, with many extreme hooks, sounding simple and straight, and intense. And the fast and aggressive “Whatever Comes Out this Fucking Corpse” follows the Old School tendency, with excellent bitter moments with tempos that aren’t excessively fast, with some Death/Thrash Metal influences appearing (and very good instrumental arrangements where subjective melodic traces can be detected).

NECRONEMESIS still needs a bit more maturing, but “Warfield Forever” depicts as they’re on the right path, and expectations rises for their next release, indeed.

8 / 10









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"Warfield Forever" Track-listing:
  1. Dreaming with Dead Bodies
  2. Drawn and Quartered
  3. Share the Load
  4. Warfield of the Dead
  5. Whatever Comes Out this Fucking Corpse
Necronemesis Lineup:

Angel David - Vocals
NecroJay - Guitars
Sigfredo “Pirulo” Machado - Bass
Raymond Flores - Drums

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