
Brazilian Metal bands display a common feature on their work: the lack of the purist view that says 'true' something. No one can say that a Brazilian band plays a 'pure' form of any Metal genre that a fan can think of, maybe a consequence of being raised in a multicultural country (even with some empty heads thinking and speaking about such idea). This is the reason that "XI", the latest release of NECROMANTE, can depict some unexpected musical traces.
It's a form of Black Metal from the 90's, but with some influences inherited from classic Brazilian Black/Death/Thrash Metal (as known from early works of names as HOLOCAUSTO, SARCÓFAGO, MUTILATOR and SEPULTURA, bands from the state of Minas Gerais, the same one from NECROMANTE), and there are touches coming from traditional Heavy Metal and even of Folk/Pagan Black Metal. Of course that it's not the most original musical form one can speak about, but the way they work is really very good, showing some elements similar to the countrymen of UNHOLY FLAMES and DEFACER. And it's good, really good. The sonority of "XI" is bound by many conceptions about extreme Metal genres: is raw and with some organic feeling inherited from the past, but trying to 'dry' the tunes to make things clear for the ears. It works in a good way, but their music deserves more than that (especially on the instrumental tunes). And they have as guest musician Kastyphas (BEELZEEBUBTH, THE CROSS, and former member of MYSTIFIER) on the keyboards parts and voices on intros.
Leaving aside the intros, the songs depict a band with a strong Old School Black Metal appeal, but that uses their own influences to create a good work, as can be heard on "Lucifer Rising" (a set of catchy melodies can be heard, and what good work on the vocals), "Serpentine Fire" (some darkened hooks can be heard, with nasty guitar riffs cutting as cold winds), "XI (The Dark Night of the Soul)" (a brutal song with a massive weight coming from bass guitar and drums, and some good rhythmic changes), "Necro Fire Angel" (be prepared for a storm of Old School Death/Black Metal elements), "Sentence of the Dead" (what great slow parts), and "The Infernal Palace & the Red Death" (where all the different elements described above can be heard, including some broken tempos).
NECROMANTE is really a very good name as shown on "XI", but they really need to have a producer to set things in the studio in a better way.
8 / 10
"XI" Track-listing:
1. The Equinox of New Aeon
2. Lucifer Rising
3. Serpentine Fire
4. The Phoenix Glory
5. XI (The Dark Night of the Soul)
6. Pentacle of Fire
7. Necro Fire Angel
8. Sentence of the Dead
9. The Infernal Palace & the Red Death
10. The Venom Between Gods
11. Solve et Coagula-Astral Light to the Kaos
Necromante Lineup:
G.C. Reaper - Bass, Guitars, Vocals
Okulto - Drums
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