The Restoration - Joseph Part Two

Neal Morse

Another excellent release of Neal Morse (but you alreadyknew it).
April 24, 2024

A debate that is always on the table is about Christian lyrics into Rock and Metal. On one side, there are those fundamentalists (influenced by the speech of the Second Wave of Black Metal) that denies the values of bands as PETRA, MORTIFICATION, PARAMAECIUM, BRIDE, STRIPER, TOURNIQUE, ALISA, BLACK COFFEE and many others; on the other hand are those that like such works (due the fact they’re Christians), and those who just enjoy music without caring for the lyrics. People can choose the ways they prefer, but no one can deny the value of a work as “The Restoration - Joseph Part Two”, of the North American icon Neal Morse.

As an experienced musician, it’s clear that Neal produced and recorded the album (with the help of Gabe Klein on the recording of the strings, Nathan Martin on the female backing vocals, Jerry Guidrozand on the recording and mixing). And things were done to have a clean and defined sonority that allows all the Progressive Rock elements to be heard in a very good way, without tearing apart the organic appeal necessary for such genre.

No long comments need to be done to explain what Neal is about with this album: it’s a form of Progressive Rock that one can expect from one of the founders of SPOCK’S BEARD (the other is his brother, the guitarist Alan Morse, who plays on this album too), and who is famous for playing with TRANSATLANTIC, MORSE, PORTNOY & GEORGE; D'VIRGILIO, MORSE & JENNINGS; and others. It sounds tender and introspective in some parts, grandiose on others, always tempered with excellent Prog Rock ambiences and psychedelic elements, but one must have in mind that Neal has a Midas’ touch on everything he is into (on the musical sense), so be prepared. It’s a true delight for Prog Rock and Prog Metal fans!

As a conceptual album, “The Restoration - Joseph Part Two” deals with the history of Joseph, the last Hebrew patriarch of Genesis’ book of the Bible. And it’s charming to hear such work full of inspiration and a great positive feeling flowing from songs as “Cosmic Mess” (the contrasts between grandiose moments and tender parts are great, with fine arrangements on the chords and keyboards), “My Dream” (a tender song with excellent vocals and backing vocals), “Dreamer in the Jailhouse” (such catching melodies are amazing, with vocals being paid perfectly on the melodic sheath of the keyboards), “All Hail” (wow, what lovely ambiences can be heard on this one), “The Argument” (some frantic and melodically chaotic vocals can be heard on this one), “Make Like a Breeze” (it’s impossible to resist to the melodies of this one, and what a very good work can be heard on bass guitar and drums), “I Hate My Brothers” (a song with a clear Hard Rock set of traits, especially due the guitars), “Guilty as Charged” (very good contrasts again, revealing a set of emotions flowing from the melodies), and… No, no, no! To have a deeper experience on the album, one must hear to “Reckoning”, “Bring Ben”, “Freedom Road”, “The Brothers Repent/Joseph Revealed”, “The Restoration”, “Everlasting” and “Dawning of a New Day (God Uses Everything for Good)” as well, and although it’s long, the songs deserve.

“The Restoration - Joseph Part Two” is an excellent full-length, so the fans of Neal Morse’s music will not have complaints about it. The others who are fanatically attached to (anti) religious matters will lose it (and it’s a pity for them).

10 / 10









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"The Restoration - Joseph Part Two" Track-listing:
  1. Cosmic Mess
  2. My Dream
  3. Dreamer in the Jailhouse
  4. All Hail
  5. The Argument
  6. Make Like a Breeze
  7. Overture Reprise
  8. I Hate My Brothers
  9. Guilty as Charged
  10. Reckoning
  11. Bring Ben
  12. Freedom Road
  13. The Brothers Repent/Joseph Revealed
  14. The Restoration
  15. Everlasting
  16. Dawning of a New Day (God Uses Everything for Good)
Neal Morse Lineup:

Neal Morse - Vocals, Keyboards, Guitars, Drums, Percussion
Eric Gillette - Guitars, Vocals
Bill Hubauer - Keyboards, Vocals
Alan Morse - Guitars, Vocals
Ted Leonard - Vocals
Matt Smith - Vocals
Jake Livgren - Vocals
Nick D’Virgilio - Vocals
Ross Jennings - Vocals

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