

Hey, Mr. Steinmetal is trying to kid me again... For the second consecutive week, Ol' […]
December 29, 2014
Mesmur - Mesmur album cover

Hey, Mr. Steinmetal is trying to kid me again...

For the second consecutive week, Ol' Big Daddy here has in his hands a work from Doom Death Metal, and with a band whose members are from different countries (it seems two from USA, one from North Carolina and the other from Washington; one from Sidney, Australia; and one from Balsfjord, Norway). And for a very good coincidence, is a very good band, called MESMUR, coming with their first work, the album called "Mesmur".

They play a very slow and atmospheric way on Doom Death Metal, that some people often call Funeral Doom Metal. Well, whatever the label, their music is slow, bitter, heavy, but with some elegant and charming touches (done by the keyboards). Guttural voices, very good riffs, heavy rhythmic basis, good keyboards and synths moments... And with these elements united, we have a very strong and darkened music, sinister and elegant in the same proportions. But it's as heavy as Hell.

The sound quality is not as good as it could be, but it does not affect the final result at all. And as you hear more and more of the album, you'll feel that this quality is the more indicated for their music to exist.

The album presents five very long tracks, a remark of Funeral Doom style, all of them very good and oppressive to our ears, having their best moments on the bitter and heavy "Deprivation" (where the guitars are fine in the aggressive moments, and the keyboards are excellent in atmospheric and melancholic ones), the powerful and extremely bitter "Lapse" (a great work done by the bass and drums), and the heavy burden of grief and depression called "Osmosis". But again Big Daddy here says: the entire album is good, so hear it a lot.

Very good first coming!

8 / 10


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"Mesmur" Track-listing:

1. Deprivation
2. Lapse
3. Abnegate
4. Descend
5. Osmosis

Mesmur Lineup:

Chris G. - Vocals
Yixja - Guitars, synth
Aslak Karlsen Hauglid - Bass
Alkurion - Drums

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