Opener of the Ways

As Black Metal came back from the dead during the early years of the 90's, many weird features came along with a new form of playing the genre. It's not so difficult to see albums that are recorded and show no information about the band. Yes, there are a handful of Black Metal albums without info as who recorded it. And LYCOPOLIS follow this same feature, as "Opener of the Ways" shows. This Egyptian band (the first one from the country I personally hear) has a crude and atmospheric approach of Black Metal, with a nasty and aggressive form of music that will remind a lot what was done by the bands from the first half of the 90's. It can be compared with names as DARKTHRONE and SATYRICON on their Black Metal days, but with a nasty personality pulsing on the band's song.
The sound quality is what could be expected from a band with such Black Metal approach: nasty and crude to reinforce the darkened approach. But it's done in a way that every fan can understand what the songs are up to, so this somber and rust sonority fits on the band's musical work. This EP has 3 songs, all of them bearing very good musical ideas that aren't new at all, but that work finely due the band efforts. "The Sun is but a Mourning Star" has something that brings to mind what MAYHEM did on its most morbidly atmospheric moments on "The Mysteriis Dom Sathanas" age, with very good vocals and guitars. The same features embodies "Dusk Beckons a Closing Portal", with a more aggressive and hooking insight. And the short and fast "Ordeal of Eminence" closes this dark chapter with very good shrieks and a simple and brutal work from bass guitar and drums. But it's better to the band to learn how to cut their songs in their ending, because the abrupt end seems too weird.
LYCOPOLIS really shows potential to make great things in the future. But for now, "Opener of the Ways" is that kind of release that Old School Black Metal fans will love.
8 / 10

"Opener of the Ways" Track-listing:
1. The Sun is but a Mourning Star
2. Dusk Beckons a Closing Portal
3. Ordeal of Eminence
Lycopolis Lineup:
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