Breath Of The Tomb

Left To Rot

LEFT TO ROT leave a promising mark on the Death Metal market and traditional Death Metal fans will dig "Breath Of The Tomb"
December 10, 2023

LEFT TO ROT were formed in 2021 and they are from Austin, Texas. The Death Metal outfit released one demo so far and “Breath Of The Tomb” is their debut EP. It was mixed and mastered by Nick Forkel (ENTOMBMENT; TURBID NORTH). The EP has a length of about 16 minutes, and it is an independent release. No official video has been released so far.

After a dark, tension-building intro, the EP has a crushing start with the title song: devastating guitar riffs, blast-beats, double-bass drumming, and crunching basslines. All that comes in abundance and on top of it growling vocals, which are at the deeper end of the guttural range with a few higher pitched screams. It is a mid-tempo song with a lot of directness and aggression and without any great deal of technicality in the riffing. “Breath Of The Tomb” is first and foremost a matter of a raw, aggressive, and blood-freezing traditional Death Metal track. “The Hidden One” continues with the Death Metal assault at a stomping rhythm and a slow tempo with powerful riffing and strong basslines. The guitars, bass, and drums waltz through their way through the track like a steamroller with the brutal deep growls on top of it. There is not a lot of a tempo change apart from a short fast part introducing the lead guitar solo. The solo is a great addition as it gives an extra dimension to the track.

Come To Me” starts with crushing riffs at a head-banging, almost stomping rhythm at a measured tempo for the verse part. It does not take long to raise the tempo via a bridge towards a fast pace. The riffing and the vocals maintain the grim atmosphere of the whole EP. “Come To Me” is a good example of writing a cool Death Metal track with a minimum of technicality involved. For me, the track is the highlight of the EP. Breath Of The Tomb” closes with “Already Dead” and it has a fast start, then transitioning into another mid-tempo track with a few twists in rhythm and tempo. The guitar riffs are simple but thunderous and preserve in combination with the vocals a spine-chilling atmosphere. Highlight is the extended lead guitar solo, which contributes very well to the track. “Already Dead” is a very good way to end the EP.

LEFT TO ROT deliver a decent debut EP. “Breath Of The Tomb” is traditional Death Metal and it is raw, aggressive, and direct. The simplicity in the guitar riffing combined with the strong basslines and the brutal deep growls create a chilling atmosphere throughout the EP and this is the strongest part of “Breath Of The Tomb”. A bit of work still should be done to improve the songwriting in view of a future full-length release. The production of the EP preserves the rawness of the sound. LEFT TO ROT leave a promising mark on the Death Metal market and traditional Death Metal fans will dig the EP.

7 / 10









"Breath Of The Tomb" Track-listing:
  1. Intro
  2. Breath Of The Tomb
  3. The Hidden One
  4. Come To Me
  5. Already Dead


Left To Rot Lineup:

Jason Dahlke – Vocals, Guitars

Justin Olejnik – Drums

Aryan Nawim – Bass


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