For Thine is the Kingdom of the Flesh

As some scenes aren't near USA or Europe, to grow a name in a worldly sense is not an easy task. It's because to spread a name needs or a strong personality in music (doing something really new) or playing as much as you can. And to make a promotion, it's far harder today that it was in the middle of the 90's (let's say that the advent of internet and modern computational technologies on recordings had such side effect), so the best thing to do when releasing an album is to send it to all the sites, fanzines and magazines one band can, and maybe with the right strategy, a band can grow. And let's speak frankly: if it was in a time between 1992 and 1996, "For Thine is the Kingdom of the Flesh", the second album of the Australian one man act KRVNA would be a success into Black Metal underground.
The musical work shown on the album is a form of Old School Black Metal that would fit alike with classic outfit of Norwegian, Swedish, Finnish, Greek and French greater bands, and it's not a joke. The music presented by Krvna (the only member of the band) is a personal form of playing classic Black Metal in a similar way to SATYRICON, MAYHEM, DARKTHRONE, BURZUM and others, but with a particular appeal, something that belongs only to the band. It's crude, morbid and atmospheric (due some darkened melodic sheath on the songs), but brutal and full of energy. And for those into Black Metal of those days, tasting this album with be an excellent surprise, indeed. The sonority of "For Thine is the Kingdom of the Flesh" tries to emulate the older features of the past, but bearing a modern and defined outfit, to keep the understanding on a very good level. It's crude and aggressive, as classic Black Metal albums must be, but in a form that anyone can understand and take the best of the songs.
Krvna prefers to use long songs that last more than 7 minutes to express his musical ideas, but's not a problem to deal with (in reality, time passes and no one will perceive this fact). "For Thine is the Kingdom of the Flesh" is a crude and catchy song, based on a simple set of fast rhythms, but adorned by harsh melodic hooks created by the guitar riffs and arrangements (and one solo appears disrupting the old formula, adding something different), and what great synth parts. And on "Gethsemane Ablaze", the same feeling is preserved, only with a more atmospheric appeal (due the evident harsh melodies), but with a very good set of rhythmic changes.
A clean chord introduction precedes "Veni, Vidi, Vici", another brutal song with fast tempos (with a good and solid work of bass guitar and drums), but be prepared for the rhythmic shifts and changes of ambiences. And "The Flaming Hordes of Basarab" follows the same tendency, being a bit more focused on the aggressive brutality usual to Black Metal (but it's filled with many good shrieks and snarls). To bring things into a morbid appeal, "In the Absence of Gods...", with vocals using very good shifts on the tunes, and with a massive and aggressive speed on the tempos. And "...Death Shall Have No Dominion" is a piece of art made Black Metal, with again some extreme tasteful melodies adorning its fast brutality (and another very good guitar solo can be heard).
As said above, if this album was a release in the 90's, for sure KRVNA would be a massive success in the Black Metal scene. But it doesn't mean that he fans can't enjoy "For Thine is the Kingdom of the Flesh" today.
9 / 10
Almost Perfect
"For Thine is the Kingdom of the Flesh" Track-listing:
1. For Thine is the Kingdom of the Flesh
2. Gethsemane Ablaze
3. Veni, Vidi, Vici
4. The Flaming Hordes of Basarab
5. In the Absence of Gods...
6. ...Death Shall Have No Dominion
Krvna Lineup:
Krvna Vatra Smrt - Vocals, All Instruments
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