Relentless Disease


Death Metal evolution is finally arriving to us, and the flag of this new time […]
April 27, 2014
KroW - Relentless Disease album cover

Death Metal evolution is finally arriving to us, and the flag of this new time is held strongly by Brazilian quartet KROW, from Uberlândia, Minas Gerais, a region called by us, the Metallians, as "Triângulo Satânico Mineiro", a fertile region of the country in terms of Metal bands. And their EP "Relentless Disease" is a proof of what your ol' Big Daddy here says.

After their excellent album "Traces of the Trade" and some tour on Europe, the band gives a step ahead, showing a bold and aggressive Death Metal music, but with surgically worked arrangements, giving a strong refinement to their brutal grasping music. It's an evolution to them, of course, but maybe the experimental feeling on the EP could inspire more bands to go on the way "never lose your personality, but never let yourself rest. Evolve", that's they're doing.

The guttural voices are good as always (but you can hear a use of a drier tune, and more worked diction), the guitars evolved in a very sensible way (since the riffs are impacting, and solos got a little more worked, going in a way of something far from "broken guitar" style), as well as the rhythmic kitchen of bass and drums is showing good technique and weighting as heavy as Hell. So be prepared for massacre and complains from your neighborhood.

Produced by Ronnie Bjornström (the same who worked previously with AEON and MESHUGGAH), and recorded, mixed and mastered at GarageLand Studios in Umea, Sweden, the result couldn't be other than a high level sounding, bold, heavy, strong and with tons of brute energy, but in a way you can hear all musical arrangements and instruments separately. And the art for the cover was done by Costin Chiorianu (who did a lot works for Death Metal bands, as ARCH ENEMY, to name one), showing a more "older" style, even being refined. It's showing what you'll hear.

Unfortunately, the EP has only two songs: the brutal grasp of "Relentless Disease" (with great tempos, showing a great dynamics on guitar playing, and vocals are fine, laid on the track perfectly), and "Whoreborn" (brutal, but showing a more worked and personal sound, pointing to a further evolution in times to come soon. And drums and bass are really playing strong and different than before).

"Relentless Disease" points as a halfway between the band on the older times and for what will come, so, Big Daddy here just can't wait for their next album!

10 / 10


"Relentless Disease" Track-listing:

1. Relentless Disease
2. Whoreborn

KroW Lineup:

Guilherme Miranda - Guitars, vocals
Lucas 'Carcassa' Simon - Guitars
Cauê de Marinis - Bass
Jhoka Ribeiro - Drums

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