Six Nights Beyond the Serpents Threshold


For those who miss Atmospheric Black Metal of the 90s, this release will satisfy you for sure.
August 22, 2024

In the early years of the Second Wave of the 90s, it was common to hear/read the expression ‘Atmospheric Black Metal’, which meant the use of different musical textures to bring things into a more ethereal and introspective way. Maybe the name of BURZUM and acts from Les Légions Noires can be said as pioneers of the genre, and it expanded and created strong roots throughout the world. To show how the genre spread its wings, here is “Six Nights Beyond the Serpents Threshold”, of Chilean one-man band KERASFÓRA. Remember: musically Atmospheric Black Metal doesn’t need to have a brutal and sharp musical outfit, but just something into a more funereal and oppressive way, even keeping the classic lo-fi elements of Black Metal.

Here, things have an Avant-Garde Black Metal and experimental traits (with many clean parts, as heard on “Of Omniscience and Mystery”) in the middle of the maelstromic chaos summoned by Kerasfóra. It’s like fusing what was heard on “Det Som Engang Var” and “Hvis Lyset Tar Oss” with the morbid appeal of “De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas”. The production (as expected) presents that old and good lo-fi appeal of the 90s to create morbid ambiences, with those old and good harsh and raw instrumental tunes. But it’s not as hard to understand what is expressed by the music. Although if it was a bit cleaner, it would not work as it must.

It’s a matter of personal choice to chose favorite songs on “Six Nights Beyond the Serpents Threshold”, so the best to do is to have a total experience on what is shown on “Of Night and Fire” (fine guitar riffs using a different set of tunes), “Of Omniscience and Mystery” (there are hypnotic arrangements heard on this one, with good shrieks), “Of Consternation and Ecstasy”, “Of Enlightenment and Fall”, “Of Darkness and Confusion”, and on “Of Serpent and Return” to make your own decision. Sometimes, one can have the idea of dealing with a conceptual release.

For the fans of Atmospheric Black Metal, “Six Nights Beyond the Serpents Threshold” is a mandatory item, so KERASFÓRA is a name to pay close attention to.

7 / 10









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"Six Nights Beyond the Serpents Threshold" Track-listing:
  1. Of Night and Fire
  2. Of Omniscience and Mystery
  3. Of Consternation and Ecstasy
  4. Of Enlightenment and Fall
  5. Of Darkness and Confusion
  6. Of Serpent and Return
Kerasfóra Lineup:

Kerasfóra - All Instruments, Vocals

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